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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jonathan Signaigo or search for Jonathan Signaigo in all documents.

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ive him more liquor, made a desperate assault upon him with a knife, and would probably have killed him but for the interference of two gentlemen, one of whom received a severe cut in the hand in the attempt to disarm Nash. Ellis McLane, Jno. Signaigo, Jno. McCauly, Body McCauly and wm Hardy, all boys, and some of them quite small, were charged with breaking into the bide house of c. H. Chalkley & co., on the dock, and stealing a large number of hides and calf skins. It was proved that Mcte small, were charged with breaking into the bide house of c. H. Chalkley & co., on the dock, and stealing a large number of hides and calf skins. It was proved that McLane, Rody McCarthy and Hardy had sold the hides to Mr. wm Beal, and it was also in evidence that McLane and Signaigo had confessed stealing the rides. There being no evidence against John McCarthy, he was discharged. The rest were sent on to the Hustings court. Several other cases of not great importance were examined.