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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.66 (search)
Rust, H. Clay, died since the war. Rust, John R., living near Ninevah, Va. Robinson, (Bear), lost sight of him; wounded at Brandy Station, 1863. Rogers, Wm. (Wagoner), died in time of the war. Scanlon, Dade, lost sight of him. Skinner, Wm. Jeff., died in 1901. Skinner, Charles, was dreadfully wounded at Buckton; is still living at Rectortown, Va. Stewart, John W., living in Iowa. Sutton, James, died since the war. Silcott, Landon, died since the war. Selix, TomSkinner, Charles, was dreadfully wounded at Buckton; is still living at Rectortown, Va. Stewart, John W., living in Iowa. Sutton, James, died since the war. Silcott, Landon, died since the war. Selix, Tom, killed at Stevensburg in 1863. Smith, Golden H., died since the war. Smith, Seldon, living in Baltimore. Smith, Horace, living near Rectortown, Va. Smith, O'Connel, died during the war. Smith, Granville, killed on the cattle raid (First Lieut.). Smith, Sullivan (Second Lieut.), died since the war. Settle, Dr. T. L., Paris, Va. Smith, Thomas, lost sight of him. Taylor, Rufus, living near Rectortown, Va. Templeman, James, living, near Markham, Va. Triplett, Leon