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Government." Such in the statesmanship of Mr. Seward What the North at large will say to the proceeding remains to be seen. The House of Representatives had passed a resolution of thanks to Commander Wilkes. The Government had made themselves accessories after the fact to his act by receiving the arrested Commissioners and throwing them into a dungeon. The Naval Secretary had fully and cordially approved the proceeding of Wilkes. The City Council had voted him the freedom of New York, and the Governor's room at City Hall had been put at his disposal, where he held a grand levee. The whole press of the country had sanctioned the act and extolled its hero. After this universal ovation to Commander Wilkes, and exultant glee over the capture of Mason and Slidell, their surrender will be the most humiliating act of cowardice that Yankee annals afford. It will be curious to observe the reception which will be given the news of it by the public at the North and in Europe.
A Humiliated nation. --In the surrender of Mason and Slidell, the British Government will ascertain the exact capacity of the Yankee guns. In succumbing to the English demand the Yankees demonstrate that they have no sense of national honor, and that dollars and cents are their supreme law of action in matters public as well as personal. They boarded the Trent with every circumstance of bravado and indignity; the Government made the act its own by receiving the Commissioners into its possession, and confining them as prisoners; the Secretary of State and of the Navy, and the House of Representatives applauded the outrage to the echo; the whole press of the United States seemed with the most uproarious and defiant exultation over the act of Wilkes, and hectored, bullied and humbled the British Lion in every conceivable shape and form. After all this, to back down instantaneously, and, at the first menace of England, to surrender the Commissioners, is to exhibit not only a lack
The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1862., [Electronic resource], Our ladies — their patriotic efforts. (search)
The Trent Affair. The position of the Lincoln Government in regard to the seizure of Messrs. Mason and Blidell has at length assumed definite shape, and the world is no longer held in suspense. Lord Lyons, on the 26th ult., sent to the State Department the demand of the British Government for their surrender; and a day or two afterward Secretary Seward replied in a lengthy communication, signifying the assent of the abolition Administration to the demand. Messrs. Mason and Slidell will therefore be restored, and the long agony is over.
rthern dates, which have reached us, we extract the following items of news: Mr. Russell on the Release of Mason and Slidell — he Predicts the Overthrow of the Lincoln Dynasty. Mr. Russell, in his letter to the London. Times on the question of the Trent outrage, says: "As I write, there is a rumor that Messrs, Mason and Slidell are to be surrendered. If it be true, this government is broken up.--There is so much vigilance of spirit among the lower orders of the people, and they amises; and we confidently assure him that, should our Government decide, for any reason whatever, to surrender Mason and Slidell to Great Britain, their act will prove "fatal" only to Jeff. Davis and his upholders. "Ignorant" as "the lower orders" g of the Europa, &c. Halifax Dec. 27. --The steamer Europa arrived at 5 o'clock, and sailed at 7 A. M. Mason and Slidell were not on board. The Persia reached Bic yesterday. The Australasian attempted to go up the St. Lawrence, but