Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Slidell or search for Slidell in all documents.

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desperate enterprises. It tells Lincoln that his resources in men and money are enormous beyond all possibility of belief. It tells England, France, and Spain that the United States are equal to a struggle with them all combined. It insists upon it that Lincoln shall call out a million of men, and build two hundred ships-of-war in addition to what he already has. It is eternally abusing England in the most violent manner. It was the first to defend the capture and detention of Mason and Slidell. It urges upon Lincoln the most boundless expenditure of money. It constantly stimulates the North to renewed exertions against the South, involving, of course, an unheard of expenditure, by concealing their numerous defeats, or proclaiming them as victories. It tells them that the South is at its last gasp, and calls the message of President Davis "a dying kick." If, in spite of Bethel, Bull Run, Manassas, Springfield, Lexington, &c., Bennett really entertains such an opinion, he must b
British intervention. --We are quite sanguine of the intervention of Great Britain in the American quarrel, from the outrage open the Trent. The statement of Messrs. and Slidell presents the act of the boarding party in very strong colors.-- An armed party of Yankee marines board a British ship under the eyes of an officer of the Royal Navy, charges bayonets, and forcibly seizes and carries off guests of the British nation. The violent entrance of a gentleman's parlor, and forcible abduction of four guests enjoying his hospitality and protection, from before his eyes, is an insult which, however it may be excused by the law books, and palliated by diplomatists, will not go down with the country gentlemen and landed nobility of Great Britain. If John Bull can stand such an act as that, he will put up with any insult whatever to avoid war. There were indications in some quarters, we are given to understand, of a disposition to put up with the outrage.-- But a sure baromet
m the Southern Confederacy, Messrs. Mason and Slidell, were taken prisoners and forcibly taken froms well known at Havana that Messrs. Mason and Slidell, with their suites, were at that place, havinaken by force, and turning to Captain Moir, Mr. Slidell said. "We claim the protection of the Britword in hand. After some more parleying, Messrs. Slidell, Mason, Eustis, and McFarland were taken ely here per La Plata. The families of Mr. Slidell and Mr. Eustis were urged by the First Lieuis stated by the friends of Messrs. Mason and Slidell who have come home, that the Lieutenant of thhe affair of the "Trent"--arrest of Mason and Slidell — the effect of the News. [From the London St then stated that he had information that Messrs. Slidell, Mason, Eustis, and McFarland were on boa. This also being indignantly refused, Mr. Slidell himself came forward, and said that the toutrated on her flag by the arrest of Mason and Slidell on board the mail steamer Trent.--The anti Am[4 more...]