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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
e a chance, I want to go to the front. I wish I could be here and there, too, at the same time. We were fairly besieged with visitors till time to dress for the party. Miss Pyncheon dined with us, and Gardiner Montgomery is staying in the house, and I can't tell how many other people dropped in. It was all perfectly delightful. Capt. Hobbs and Dr. Pyncheon offered themselves as escorts, but we had already made engagements with Albert Bacon and Jim Chiles. We gave Miss Pyncheon and Dr. Sloane seats in our carriage, and we six cliqued together a good deal during the evening, and had a fine time of it. I never did enjoy a party more and never had less to say about one. I had not a single adventure during the entire evening. Metta was the belle, par excellence, but Miss Pyncheon and I were not very far behind, and I think I was ahead of them all in my dress. Miss Pyncheon wore a white puffed tarleton, with pearls and white flowers. The dress, though beautiful, was not becoming
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
icers, taken at Murfreesborough, to Alton, Ill., to retaliate on us for the doom pronounced in our President's proclamation, and one of his generals has given notice that if we burn a railroad bridge (in our own country) all private property within a mile of it shall be destroyed. The black flag next. We have no news from North Carolina. Mr. Caperton was elected C. S. Senator by the Virginia Legisture on Saturday, in place of Mr. Preston, deceased. An intercepted letter from a Mr. Sloane, Charlotte, N. C., to A. T. Stewart & Co., New York, was laid before the Secretary of War yesterday. He urged the New York merchant, who has contributed funds for our subjugation, to send merchandise to the South, now destitute, and he would act a°s salesman. The Secretary indorsed conscript him, and yet the Assistant Secretary has given instructions to Col. Godwin, in the border counties, to wink at the smugglers. This is consistency! And the Assistant Secretary writes by order of th
ted me to ride when we made these visits. There was staying in the Lanier house the wife of Colonel Sloane, of the 24th Illinois. She was one of those women who are always interfering with and crosse mud and water was something terrible on the morning on which we set out on this expedition, Mrs. Sloane mounted on an unreliable horse. Hoover, knowing that I could ride like a Comanche in those dw a whistle which he gave. Away we went until we were perfectly covered with mud and water. Mrs. Sloane could not ride very well, and it was not long before she was landed in a bank of mud on the safterward. The general suspected that Hoover had played this trick because he had not wanted Mrs. Sloane to go. Hoover said it was not his fault. She could not ride, and he could not help it, but g could for her. For a long time afterward the staff were regaled with Hoover's description of Mrs. Sloane's ride, hat off, hair hanging down, and clothing all awry. Such diversions were all we ha
a volunteers; of Shields' and Del Kemper's batteries, and of Flood's, Radford's, Payne's, Ball's, Wickman's and Powell's companies of Virginia cavalry, under Col. Radford. Cocke's brigade held the Fords below and in vicinity of the Stone Bridge, and consisted of Wither's 18th, Lieutenant-Colonel Strange's 19th, and R. T. Preston's 28th regiments, with Latham's battery and one company of cavalry, Virginia volunteers. Evans held my left flank and protected the Stone Bridge crossing, with Sloane's 4th regiment South Carolina volunteers, Wheat's Special Battalion Louisiana volunteers, four 6-pounder guns and two companies of Virginia cavalry. Early's brigade, consisting of Kemper's 7th, Early's 24th regiment of Virginia volunteers, Hays' 7th regiment Louisiana volunteers, and three rifle pieces of Walton's battery. Lieutenant Squires' at first were held in position in the rear of, and as a support to, Ewell's brigade, until after the development of the enemy in heavy offensive fo
n retreated, leaving a number of dead strewn on the ground, and the blood besmeared the bushes in the vicinity. The order was given by Colonel Wood, to Major Clendenning to draw sabre and charge. Taking companies E and G, the Major shouted, Come on, boys, it's our turn now; and plunged down the road into the brush, where they were met by a tremendous volley, poured in on them by the rebels. At the first fire the Major was wounded severely, receiving a ball through the left lung; and Captain Sloane of company E, who was bravely charging in front, was instantly killed by a shot in the head. The Major, unmindful of his wound, still led on his men, and the latter poured in several volleys on the rebels from their carbines and pistols, unhorsing one and killing a number of the enemy. The rebels were staggered, and turning on their heels, fled in confusion. Our artillery followed close up, when the recall was sounded, and the cavalry fell back behind the pieces. Major Clendenning, i
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
, Reese Bowen, was killed at the battle of King's Mountain. Col. Robert E. Bowen was reared in his native county, educated in one of the old field schools and followed a farmer's life until the outbreak of the civil war, when he joined the State militia at the age of sixteen as a member of the regimental band. On November 6, 1861, he entered the Confederate service as first lieutenant of Company E, one of the six companies, A, B, C, D, E and F, which were then mustered into service by Lieutenant Sloane, reporting to Col. J. L. Orr on Sullivan's island, November 23, 1861. In December, under an order from the war department, a battalion was organized by electing Capt. J. V. Moore, of Company F, lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. T. H. Boggs, of Company E, major. Lieutenant Bowen was promoted to captain of Company E. This organization, known as the First battalion of rifles, was stationed on John's island. In the following February, by the addition of four companies, the Second South Car
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.30 (search)
lowing letters in the evening edition of August 5, 1861. The first is copied from the Atlanta (Ga.) Confederacy. It reads as follows: The battle was a decided success, and was fought with distinguished gallantry by all our troops who participated in it. It is but just to say, however, that the Fourth Alabama Regiment, Colonel Jones, the Seventh Georgia, Colonel Gartrell, and the Eighth Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner, both under Acting-Brigadier Bartow; the Fourth South Carolina, Colonel Sloane; Hampton's Legion, Colonel Hampton; the Sixth North Carolina, Colonel Fisher, and the Eleventh and Seventh Virginia did the hardest fighting, suffered most, and bore the brunt of the battle. Colonel Kershaw's and Colonel Cash (South Carolina) regiments came into action late, but did most effective service in the pursuit, which continued nearly to Centreville. General E. K. Smith's brigade reached Manassas during the battle and rushed to the field, a distance of seven miles, through the
quity of our nation which all know to be the cause of our present distress. Second round — Sloane in the ring. Cheever being used up, the Rev. Mr. Sloane takes his place, whereupon Bennett mthe Rev. Mr. Sloane takes his place, whereupon Bennett mauls away in the following scientific style: Among the most violent of the abolition clergy who took the same ground with Cheever was Rev. Mr. Sloane, who attacked the Chief Magistrate for his pRev. Mr. Sloane, who attacked the Chief Magistrate for his patriotic letter to General Fremont, and denies him the credit of saving Kentucky to the Union, because forsooth that State had been always well leavened with anti-slavery ideas, and he had no doubt te, or to cut off the slaveholding States from the Union? For such a minister of the Gospel as Mr. Sloane, it was but natural to read with approbation to his audience the assault on the Constitution owork. The champion, not used to so many at once, becomes fatigued, excited and desperate. Mr. Sloane being slain, his friends break the ropes and rush to the rescue. The champion goes it miscell