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thus refers to them in his official report: I have been one of those men who never had much confidence in colored troops fighting, but those doubts are now all removed, for they fought as bravely as any troops in the fort. Question. Why was the city shelled and set on fire? Answer. Our small force retired within the fort; the rebels took possession of the town, and from adjacent buildings their sharp-shooter's fired upon us. It was necessary to dislodge them. The gunboats Peosta, Captain Smith, and Paw-Paw, Captain O'Neal, and the Fort drove them out, necessarily destroying property. Most of the inhabitants being still rebel sympathizers, there was less than the usual regret in performing the duty. Question. What became of the enemy after the repulse? Answer. They went south, and on the twenty-sixth I was notified by Colonel Hicks and by Colonel Lawrence that they were approaching Columbus. Question. What was done? Answer. I went to Columbus again, with such men a
in, although surrounded on all sides, except on the river-side, still fought on, and when compelled to yield ground to overwhelming odds, fell back with a force of about seventy-five men, still returning the enemy's fire, and refused to surrender until fighting was useless. Lieutenant-Colonel Tate and Major York, Captains McPherson and Ray, and Lieutenant Mebane, of the Sixth, with Captain Adams, of the staff, broke away, and escaped over the bridge in the darkness. Lieutenants Williams, Smith, and Fitzgerald, of the Fifty-fourth; Brown, of the Sixth, with a few others, plunged into the river and swam safely over; but, unfortunately, some others were drowned. Lieutenant-Colonel H. Jones, Jr., of the Fifty-seventh, and Captain White, of the Sixth, plunged in to swim, but the coldness of the water compelled them to put back. The casualties of our brigade are small in killed and wounded. Adjutant Mebane, of the Sixth, wounded in arm and side; William Johnston, Captain White's co
upy the heights, but it was refused, and no attempt was made to effect the passage till the eleventh of December, by which time Lee's army had been concentrated and strongly entrenched. This passage, however, was effected without serious opposition, with the right wing and centre, under Sumner and Hooker, at Fredericksburgh, and the left wing, under Franklin, on the bridges established some miles below. It was intended that Franklin's grand division, consisting of the corps of Reynolds and Smith, should attack the enemy's right, and turn his position on the heights in the rear of Fredericksburgh, while Sumner and Hooker attacked him in front. But by some alleged misunderstanding of orders, Franklin's operations were limited to a mere reconnoissance, and the direct attacks of Sumner and Hooker were unsupported. The contest on the right wing, during the thirteenth, was continued till half-past 5 P. M., when our men were forced to fall back, after suffering terrible losses. Both a
vessels during this month and the next, while the task of taking Mobile is one which might be undertaken at any time, though it is unaccountably strange that it was not begun in December instead of May. As is well known, the column under General Franklin crossed from New-Orleans to Brashear City about the first instant, and thence took up the line of march along the Bayou Teche, substantially the same route pursued nearly a year ago, via Opelousas to, Alexandria. The forces under General A. J. Smith, from the department of the Tennessee, comprising the brigades under Generals F. K. Smith, Thomas, and Ellet, embarked at Vicksburgh on the tenth, and proceeded down to the mouth of Red River, where they found an immense fleet of gunboats ready for the ascent. Touching the naval force, it may be well to remark that a more formidable fleet was never under single command than that now on the Western rivers, under Rear-Admiral Porter; and, it might be said also, never to less purpose.
hels of corn were destroyed. The railroad destruction is complete and thorough. The capture of prisoners exceeds all loss. Upward of eight thousand contrabands and refugees came in with various columns. Journal of the March. Vicksburgh, March 6, 1864. dear Editor: On the third ultimo, Sherman's expedition left Vicksburgh for Meridian, cutting right through the capital and across the centre of proud Mississippi. The army was made up of two divisions--General Veatch's and General A. J. Smith's--Sixteenth army corps, and two divisions--General Leggett's and General Crocker's--Seventeenth army corps; together with Colonel Winslow's brigade of cavalry, and one brigade (General Chambers's) infantry; making in all forty-one regiments of infantry, three of cavalry, and seven batteries of light artillery, with one battalion of cavalry under Captain Foster, commanding the Fourth Ohio cavalry, of General McPherson's body-guard, two pioneer corps, and making a force of less than tw
im there. On the eleventh instant, part of General Sherman's command, ten thousand men, under the command of Brigadier-General A. J. Smith, joined me in transports at the mouth of Red River, and next morning early the gunboats started up the river, beg leave to mention, as a proof of the rapidity with which this portion of General Sherman's command, under Brigadier-General A. J. Smith, did their work, they marched twenty-eight miles, starting at daylight; built a bridge which cost them over talong when the usual rise came. Twenty transports were sent along, filled with army stores, and with a portion of General A. J. Smith's division on board. It was intended that the fleet should reach Springfield Landing on the third day, and then c has met with a reverse, and was falling back to Pleasant Hill, some sixty miles in our rear. Orders also came to General A. J. Smith to return to Grand Ecore with the transports and the troops he had with him. Here was an end to our expedition for
ounted infantry. Many rebels were killed and wounded, and about sixty taken prisoners. Our cavalry lost about thirty horses killed and wounded. General Lee speaks in the highest terms of the bravery and skill of the officers and men engaged, and is perfectly satisfied with the result of the engagement. headquarters detachment Sixteenth and Seventeenth army corps, on board steamer Clara Bell, Grand Ecore, La., April 5, 1864. expedition after Harrison's guerrillas. Brigadier-General A. J. Smith, commanding detachment of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth army corps, reached this celebrated point on Sunday afternoon, Admiral Porter's fleet of ironclads having preceded our transports up this crooked river. Major-General Banks and staff arrived here at sundown Sunday, on his flagship Black Hawk. Our gunboats met with no opposition on the trip up the river. A gang of rebels fired from the steep banks of the river upon a small steam-tug without injuring any one on board. Natc
l, La., Saturday, April 9, 1864. General Andrew Jackson Smith, commanding detatchments Sixteenth through the greatest personal exertions of General Smith that his troops were hurried through the tformation. An order was at once issued by General Smith for his troops to be in readiness before dde the patriarchal-looking warrior, Colonel Andrew Jackson Smith, whose troops received an increasedere entirely ignorant of the arrival of General A. J. Smith's fresh troops; and this explains the ralthily before daylight Sunday morning, General A. J. Smith's forces covering our retreat, with fivant Hills, eighteen miles, where we met General A. J. Smith. Upon meeting the fragment of the old hort time their column began to waver. General A. J. Smith ordered a charge along the whole line. s the vernacular has it, played out. General A. J. Smith protested against the retreat from Plea our whole force, with the exception of General A. J. Smith's immediate command, left Natchitoches,[15 more...]
The fact that several of the artillery officers were captured by them excited these apprehensions. We are glad to state, however, that not a single piece was injured, as the enemy were not at Frederickshall at all. They struck the railroad some three miles below that point. The remains of Captain Albert Ellery, who fell in one of the fights on Tuesday night, were interred in Hollywood Cemetery. They were followed to their last resting-place by the battalion of which he was a member, and Smith's battalion band. Among the pall-bearers, we noticed Marshal Kane and Doctor Charles Magill. The death of Dahlgren. Richmond, March 5, 1864. The most important blow which has yet been struck the daring raiders who attempted to enter this city on Tuesday last, was wielded by Lieutenant Pollard, of the Ninth Virginia cavalry, on Wednesday night, about eleven o'clock, in the neighborhood of Walkertown, in King and Queen County. Lieutenant Pollard, with the greater portion of his
n of 1864. Some troops were sent to the Seventh Corps in Arkansas. The corps was officially discontinued on November 1, 1864, but the right wing, under Major-General A. J. Smith, known as Detachment, Army of the Tennessee, assisted Thomas at Nashville. Besides Hurlbut, the command was held by Brigadier-General C. S. Hamilton andwas member of Congress from Iowa. In 1898, he was at the head of the commission appointed to investigate the conduct of the SpanishAmerican war. Major-General Andrew Jackson Smith (U. S. M.A. 1838) was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, April 28, 1815, and served in the Mexican War and in the West. He was made major in tremained in the Mississippi valley; the other two divisions went with Sherman to Atlanta. The Mississippi section was on the Red River expedition with Brigadier-General A. J. Smith and formed part of the detachment that fought at Nashville. It never rejoined the rest of the corps, which followed Sherman through Georgia and the Ca
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