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Wm. Harris, in the leg, slightly. Dave Croft, wounded slightly in the body, head and foot. Mr. Holtaclaw, in the arm. Jerry Cannant, slightly hurt. Lieut. Smith, dangerously in arm and hip. Thos. Norwood, arm broken. Lieut. Love, slight wound in the neck. Sergeant Smith was twice knocked down by the force of boSergeant Smith was twice knocked down by the force of bombs, but escaped almost unhurt. Thomas Stokes was severely wounded. Mr. Elliot, slightly injured. Jesse Thrasher, of the Atlanta Greys, killed three Yankees in successive shots — the last was a prominent officer, and Thrasher rushed up, took his pistols and escaped unhurt. Capt. King, of the Georgia Rozwell Guards, makes the following statement of the killed and wounded in his company: Killed. Thomas Kirk, James Paden, B. F. Smith and seven are missing, and their fate unknown. Wounded. Capt. King, ankle, slightly. Lieut. Dunwoody, in the hip. Lieut. Bishop, left arm. Lieut. Wing or King, left shoulder. Sergeant Gossett,
The Paris newspaper, the Debates, has sent out a correspondent to the seat of war, who arrived at New York a passenger by the Great Eastern. John T. Scott, a Northern man, has been driven from Shelby county, Ala., on account of Black Republican sentiments. Rev. Dr. Smith, of Randolph Macon College, preached to the soldiers at Norfolk last Sunday.
The Hampton Legion. Manassas, July 23. --In the Hampton Legion 13 were killed and 97 wounded--seven mortally. Col. Hampton is slightly wounded. Gen. Smith was not killed, but is seriously wounded.