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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
ketch of the field of Williamsburg. A. Hooker's division. B. Part of Couch's division. C. Smith's division. D. E. Works occupied by Hancock's brigade. mained to cover the trains. When, hooads almost impassable. In the morning, Hooker's division had taken position on the left, and Smith's on the right; the other divisions had not yet come up. The attack was opened by General Hookert thus waxed hot in front of Fort Magruder, the troops on the right, composed exclusively of General Smith's division, had not engaged the enemy; but towards noon, Sumner ordered General Smith to senGeneral Smith to send one of his brigades to occupy a redoubt on the extreme right, said to be evacuated by the enemy. For this purpose, Hancock's brigade was selected. Davidson's brigade was also under Hancock's co Hancock's total loss was one hundred and twenty-nine. Shortly after the action was decided, General Smith, by order of General Mc-Clellan, who had reached the front and appreciated the position secu