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the first of the exercises. Each recipient coming forward, knelt on a cushion, and the Bishop placed the crown on the head. Coronation of Senior circle. First crown, first honors — Misses M. Menders, A. M'Caughey, M. Keavy, M. M. Kenny, C. Smith, M. Hurdle, B. Walthall, A. Odell, E. Pace. First crown, second honors — Misses M. Bisset. J. Triplet, M. E. Finn, M. Mason, R. Corr, A Finney, K. A. M. Kenny, K. Swank, L. Hay ward. Second crown, first honors--Miss M. C. Cutler. ogerty, H. M. Dowell, V Brannon, M Bagget, G. Shaw, M. E. Hall. First crown, second honors — Misses R. Belknap, L. Mahoney, R. Mallory. Second crown, first honors.--Misses M. O'Keeffe. L. Hammond, E. Stephens, B. Gailluame, H. Hoffnan, C. Smith. Second crown, second honors — Misses V. Goodman, M. Dougherty, J Northrop, E Brady, E. McDowell, A Hurdfe, L. Cotogui, V. Clark, N. Pizzini, L. Purcell. The first crown were composed of full blown and variegated roses and other flowe