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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Naval operations in the Vicksburg campaign. (search)
e Albatross) anchored out of range of the enemy's guns, abreast of a huge pine-knot fire, to which the rebels before leaving added a small wooden building. Most of his fleet, including the Richmond, Monongahela, Genesee, and Kineo, failed to get through, and the Mississippi was burnt; The Mississippi passed the lower batteries, but, running at high speed, struck on the spit opposite Port Hudson. Failing after half an hour to get her off, and being under fire of three batteries, Captain Melancton Smith had the sick and wounded taken off with the crew, and then set fire to the ship. At 3 A. M. she floated off, drifting through the fleet, and half an hour later blew up.--editors. but the Hartford and Albatross made the passage, and, coming up to Vicksburg, communicated with the vessels above. At Farragut's request, General Ellet sent two of his rams, the Lancaster and Switzerland, to join the Hartford. The Lancaster was sunk in passing the batteries, but the Switzerland managed
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Union vessels in the Vicksburg operations. (search)
t. Master E. Sells (receiving ship); Great Western, (ordnance boat), Act. V. Lieut. W. F. Hamilton; Judge Torrence, (ordnance boat), Act. V. Lieut. J. F. Richardson; New National, Act. Master A. M. Grant (receiving ship), 1 howitzer; Red Rover, Act. Master W. R. Wells (hospital steamer), 1 gun; Sovereign (storeship, no battery), Act. Master T. Baldwin; William H. Brown (dispatch steamer), Act. V. Lieut. J. A. French. West Gulf squadron: Passage of Port Hudson, March 14th-15th, 1863.--Rear-Admiral D. G. Farragut commanding; Capt. Thornton A. Jenkins, Fleet Captain. Hartford (flag-ship), Capt. James S. Palmer; Mississippi, Capt. Melancton Smith; Monongahela, Capt. J. P. McKinstry; Richmond, Com. James Alden; Genesee, Com. W. H. Macomb; Albatross, Lieut.-Com. John E. Hart: Kineo, Lieut.-Com. John Watters. Cooperating vessels of West Gulf Squadron, in Red River, May, 1863: Albatross, Lieut.-Com. John E. Hart; Estrella, Lieut.-Com. A. P. Cooke; Arizona, Act. V. Lieut. Daniel P. Upton.