Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Samuel Smith or search for Samuel Smith in all documents.

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inscription: From loyal Americans in Europe, to the United States Government, 1861. Mr. R. G. Moulton, an American at present residing in Manchester, deserves great credit for his energetic efforts in raising funds for the purchase of this battery.--N. Y. Times, May 24. One of the secession flags displayed from the Headquarters of the Grays, at Alexandria, Va., and within sight from Washington, was captured by two adventurous Union men-William McSpedon, of New York city, and Samuel Smith, of Queens County, N. Y. Gen. Patterson and staff arrived at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Col. Vosburgh, late of the 71st N. Y. regiment, was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, L. I.--N. Y. Times, May 24. The Third Connecticut Regiment arrived at Washington. It numbers over eight hundred men, all well drilled, and is commanded by Colonel J. Arnold.--(Doc. 191.) The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel of to-day, says: The Washington Home Guard, Capt. Powell, took to-day 169 head of fine mutt
funeral cortege delayed moving from the Executive Mansion till near 1 o'clock. All along the line of Pennsylvania avenue flags were displayed at half-mast and draped in mourning. Every available point, including the windows, balconies, and house-tops, was thronged with anxious and sorrowful gazers. Various testimonials of respect were paid. All the bells of the city were tolled, and the heads of the soldiers and troops uncovered. Several companies of the City Corps, followed by the New York Seventy-first Regiment, Marines, and the local Cavalry Corps, formed the military escort, with their arms reversed and colors shrouded. The hearse was followed by a detachment of Zouaves, one of whom, the avenger of Col. Ellsworth, carried the identical secession flag torn down by the deceased. Then followed the President, accompanied by Secretaries Seward and Smith, and the rest of the procession was composed of carriages, containing the captains of the Zouave Regiment.--N. Y. Times, May 26.