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ccess. The draft and all other laws of the United States have been promptly and fully executed in the department, without difficulty or trouble of any kind whatever. I desire to bear testimony to the hearty cooperation and zeal of the district commanders in the department in the discharge of the various and perplexing duties which have devolved upon them. General Sully, commanding District of Iowa and the Indian expedition; General Sibley, commanding District of Minnesota, and General T. C. H. Smith, commanding District of Wisconsin, are entitled to my warmest thanks for their valuable services and the cordial good feeling which they have manifested during their entire term of service in this department. To General Sully I particularly desire to invite the favorable consideration of the War Department. His arduous and distinguished services in organizing and conducting the Indian expedition and beating and dispersing the combined tribes of Indians in two considerable battles
I arrived at the camp on Oldtown creek, and was there met by a staff officer of the General commanding the expedition, who directed that my division should pass by the Third and encamp in advance of them. Just as my rear brigade had crossed the creek, and passed through the bottom on the north side of it, several shells were suddenly dropped into the camp by the enemy, who, it seems, had driven in our cavalry the very moment the infantry had crossed the creek. I was directed by Major-General Smith to take a brigade and drive the enemy back. I moved the First brigade immediately back, forming them in line of battle. I attacked the enemy and drove them about two miles. Colonel McMillen's brigade behaved most gallantly, and were led by him, he riding in advance of them and cheering them on. After the enemy had been driven I withdrew my troops and ordered them into camp, leaving the position to be held by Colonel Moore, commanding the Third division. I cannot speak too h
Doc. 51. the Chicago Conspiracy. Official report of General Sweet. Headquarters Post, camp Douglas, Chicago, ill., November 28, 1864. Capiain B. T Smith, A. A. G., District Headquarters, Springfield, Ill.: Captain: I have the honor to respectfully report in relation to the origin, progress and result up to the present time of the late rebel raid for the purpose of releasing the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, taking possession of the city of Chicago, creating an insurrection in and overrunning the States of Illinois and Indiana in aid of the Southern rebellion. That Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, Secretary of the Interior during the administration of Mr. Buchanan, went to Windsor, Canada, some time in May or June last, under the assumed name of Captain Carson, and having been supplied by the rebel government with large sums of money for the purpose, commenced operations to organize in Canada an expedition to release rebel prisoners of war at different camps in the