f the Union --should never again float in the free air of South Carolina.
Already Robert Barnwell Rhett, appropriately called the Father of South Carolina secession, had sounded the tocsin.
He was an arrogant demagogue, whose family name was Smith, and whose lineal root was to be found in obscurity, among the sand-hills near the mouth of the Cape Fear River, in North Carolina.
He made his residence at Beaufort, South Carolina, when he dropped the name of Smith and took that of Rhett — a nSmith and took that of Rhett — a name honorable in the early history of that State.
Note to article on Beaufort District, by Frederic Kidder, in the Continental Monthly, 1862. He succeeded in taking position among respectable men in South Carolina.
With vulgar instinct
Robert Barnwell Rhett. he spurned the common people, boasted of superior blood, and by the force of social influence, and much natural talent for oratory and intrigue, with the aid of the Charleston Mercury, edited by his equally disloyal son, he did more
wo, on the reverse side, a view of Fort Pickens, with the inscription:--the Chamber of Commerce, New York, honors the defenders of Fort Pickens--far off, but faithful.
The following are the names of the defenders of Fort Pickens:--
commissioned officers.--First Lieutenant, Adam J. Slemmer; Second Lieutenant, Jeremiah H. Gilman.
non-commissioned officers.-- First Sergeant, Alexander Jamieson; Corporals, David H. Boyd, Patrick Mangan, James P. Caldwell, and Benjamin Webster; Fifer, Thomas Smith; Drummer, William Sheppard; Artificers, Frederick Bickel and Simeon Webster; Ordnance Sergeants, Robert Granger, Elias H. Broady, and John Flynn.
Privates.--John Bainfield, Michael Burns, John H. Boyer, Francis Bohnert, Joseph Clancy, John Cannon, Jacob C. Deckert, James Dolan, James Foley, Lewis Holmes, Thomas Honlahan, Edward L. Hastings, John Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Martin King, John Kerns, Owen McGair, Jackson McLeod, Thomas Manning, Thomas McGuire, James Matthews, John Mealey, Th
dyear, Wm. Carl, Anthony Lippman, John P. Deiner, Wm. A. Beidleman, Chas. J. Shoemaker, Jas. Donegan, Herman Hauser, Louis Weber, Thomas, H. Parker, John Howell, Henry Yerger, Wm. Davenport, James Landefield, James R. Smith, Michael Foren, Alex. Smith, W. M. Lashorn, Levi Gloss, Samuel Heilner, Enoch Lambert, Frank Wenrich, Joseph Johnston, Henry C. Nies, Jacob Shoey, John Hartman, Wm. Buckley, Henry Quin, Thomas G. Buckley, Wm. Becker, J. P. McGinnes, Charles J. Redcay, Jr., Wm. Britton, Thomas Smith, J. M. Hughes, Thomas Martin, Henry Gehring, Dallas Dampman, John Boedefeld, M. Edgar Richards.
Ringgold Light Artillery, of Reading.
officers and non-commissioned officers.--Captain, James McKnight; First Lieutenant, Henry Nagle; Second Lieutenant, Wm. Graeff; Firs} Sergeant, G. W. Durell; Second Sergeant, D. Kreisher; Third Sergeant, H. S. Rush; First Corporal, Levi S. Homan; Second Corporal, F. W. Folkman; Third Corporal, Horatio Leader; Fourth Corporal, Jacob Womert; Bugler,
n, Edward J. Houghton, Oliver O'Brien, Frank Lucas, William Garvin, Charles J. Bibber, John Neil, Robert Montgomery, James Roberts, Charles Hawking, Dennis Conlan, James Sullivan, William Hinnegan, Charles Rice, John Cooper, Patrick Mullin, James Saunders, James Horton, James Rountry, John H. Ferrell, John Ditzenbach, Thomas Taylor, Patrick Mullin, Aaron Anderson or Sanderson (colored), Charles H. Smith, Hugh Logan, Lewis A. Horton, George Moore, Luke M. Griswold, John Jones, George Pyne, Thomas Smith, Charles Reed, John S. Lann, George Schutt, John Mack, John H. Nibbe, Othniel Tripp, John Griffiths, Edward Swatton, John Swatson, Phillip Bazaar, George Province, Augustus Williams, Auzella Savage, John Jackson, Robert M. Blair, Anthony Williams, James W. Verney, Asa Bettram, John P. Ericson, Clement Dees, George W. McWilliams, John Angling, William Dunn, Robert Summers, Joseph B. Hayden, Isaac N. Fry, Edward R. Bowman, William Shipman, William G. Taylor, George Prance, Thomas Jones, Wil