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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 11: War between the states (search)
This brought the reply that it was a ridiculous and impertinent effort to puff the general by words he had never uttered; that there was a gang around the Federal Capitol organized for the purpose of magnifying their idol; that he had not been ill or absent from his duties as the Herald had reported, and that it was a funny sight to see a certain military hero in the telegraphic office at Washington last Sunday organizing victory . . . and capturing Fort Donelson six hours after Grant and Smith had taken it sword in hand and had victorious possession. ... Dana, while still in charge of the Tribune, made haste to give this letter to the country, and this further strengthened his relations with the administration. His retirement from the Tribune was announced a few days later, whereupon Stanton at once asked him to enter the service of the War Department, and this he resolved to do as soon as he could arrange his private affairs for leaving home. On June, 16, 1862, the secreta
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 13: Vicksburg campaign (search)
e, and became profoundly interested in all he saw. While opulence and comfort surrounded the master and his family, the hard lot of the slaves could not be concealed. It is evident from his conversation, years afterwards, that Dana was deeply touched by what he learned here, and that it did much to confirm his bitter hostility to slavery and his desire to see it entirely abolished by any means the government might find at its disposal. Although Dana had accompanied Grant and his staff to Smith's plantation, Hard Times, and De Shroon's Landing, and wrote full accounts of the operations up to those points, he was prevented from crossing the river with the first officers and troops, because every possible foot of space on the boats was required for the fighting men and the officers whose duty it was to lead them and to examine and locate the roads by which the advance could be made. All non-combatants, servants, baggage, and extra horses were left behind till the troops were across.
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 16: Dana returns to Washington (search)
at he may have had a vague purpose of that sort, they make it clear that he did not regard the emergency as nearly so great as it appeared to Dana, nor believe that the shorter line could be opened till Hooker's corps, detached from the Army of the Potomac on the 23d, should arrive at Bridgeport and occupy the country between there and Chattanooga. It is specially worthy of note that there is not a word in any of these despatches foreshadowing the plan which was actually devised by General William F. Smith, and successfully carried into effect under his supervision. While it is abundantly evident that Dana reported from time to time everything that came under his observation, it is also evident that he was really much more concerned with conditions as they actually existed than with the means of changing them, that he felt it to be a matter of much greater importance to get rid of the incapable Rosecrans and secure the appointment of a competent man to take his place than to report o
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 17: campaign of Chattanooga (search)
s justly entitled. This interview over, we called upon General Smith, the chief engineer, and General Brannan, the chief of fficers and men alike had regained resolution and courage. Smith had already worked out his plans for shortening the crackernot long till a glow of warmth and cheerfulness prevailed. Smith and Porter came in and were presented, and before the eveni with Thomas bright and early to look over the ground which Smith had discovered at Brown's Ferry, opposite the north end of camp at Wauhatchie, within a few miles of the bridge which Smith, by a brilliant series of operations, had laid at Brown's Fonfederate cavalry. We succeeded in making our way through Smith's Crossroads, Prestonville, and Kingston, to Lenoir's Statithe Chickamauga and the north end of Missionary Ridge; that Smith should here, under cover of darkness, lay a pontoon bridge the President more fully than could be done by letter. General Smith, who had been transferred early in the campaign to Gran
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 18: Dana in the War Department (search)
ent commander. This gave Dana the opportunity to present Grant's second proposition, which was that either Sherman or W. F. Smith should be put in command of that army. Halleck's reply to this left but little doubt that Smith would be called to thington, both the Secretary of War and General Halleck had come to the conclusion that when a change should be made General W. F. Smith would be the best person to try. While they entertained some doubts respecting Smith's disposition and personal ced Grant's suggestion as submitted by Dana for a campaign against Mobile. This plan was originally brought forward by W. F. Smith, and as it promised to keep a great part of Grant's army usefully employed in cleaning up the Confederate forces and cuseless generals. Each has friends, and these friends are loud and energetic. Please remember me affectionately to W. F. Smith and General Brannan. One of the first matters of importance connected with the operation of the War Department to
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 19: Grant's overland campaign against Richmond (search)
destruction of the railroad and bridges and rejoin before to-morrow night, that Smith, with reinforcements from Butler's army, was delayed at New Castle, and had beeot reach him in time to enable him to perform the part assigned to him, Wright, Smith, Warren, and Hancock had all been engaged and had suffered heavy loss; and thatstly and abortive. The order of battle from left to right was Hancock, Wright, Smith, Warren (in single line), with Burnside massed in rear of his right wing. Sher in his front, but it would be difficult to make much by it, unless Hancock and Smith could also advance. Smith thought he could carry the work before him, but was Smith thought he could carry the work before him, but was not sanguine. Burnside also thought he could get through, but Warren, who was nearest him, did not seem to share this opinion. In this state of things General Grand controversies, the most important of which was between Generals Butler and W. F. Smith. Dana's despatches throw light upon them all. Having been written in the mi
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 21: administration of War Department (search)
nsent, and so I shall stay here for the present. But as soon as the war is so far over that I can properly leave, I shall attend to my own affairs. ... From City Point I have no news. Joe Bowers was here a fortnight since, looking as well as ever. Dunn was up on Monday with a bundle of despatches for the secretary. He said all were well. Comstock accompanied Butler to Fort Fisher. That affair makes unpleasant feeling between army and navy. What is the real truth I don't know. W. F. Smith has gone to New Orleans as the head of a board to investigate the Quartermaster's Department there, and everything else. We have nothing of moment from Savannah since its surrender. Of course, Sherrman's army will not be idle there. The Rebels are in desperation. Jeff. Davis wants to make terms with France or England, and is willing to become colonially dependent on either of those powers and to abolish slavery. A violent discussion is now going on in the Confederacy on this subje