Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Smith or search for William Smith in all documents.

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the further consideration of the subject. The report was adopted and the committee discharged. [The preceding action defeats the bill unless another committee of conference be appointed, which is not probable.] The resolution offered by Mr. Smith, of North Carolina, that, the Senate concurring, the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate adjourn their respective Houses on Wednesday next at 12 M., was adopted — yeas, 31; nays, 26. Mr. Turner, of North Carolina, offered the ope that this attempt would meet with the rebuke it deserved at the hands of the House. On motion of Mr. Chrisman, of Kentucky, the resolutions were laid on the table — veas, 56; nays, Messrs. Fuller, J. T. Leach, J. M. Leach, Logan, Ramsay, Smith and Turner, all of North Carolina. Mr. Turner, of North Carolina, offered a resolution declaring that the treatment of our recently-exchanged prisoners was a disgrace to the Government, and requiring the Secretary of War to see that the pris
3,185; Maryland, 2,960; Maine, 1,373; New Jersey, 321; Oregon, 307; Florida, 199; Rhode Island, 54; New Hampshire, 16. But three persons died on the voyage. Raid on light boats. The New York Herald has the following dispatch from Washington: On Saturday night last, a party of rebels, numbering about one hundred and fifty, under command of Lieutenant Taylor Wood, of the rebel navy, and nephew of Jeff. Davis, left the Ycomico river in sloops and small boats, bound on a raid to Smith's island, with the design of destroying the light boats. The gunboat Yankee and several other of our boats were informed of their movements, and at once started in pursuit of them. It may be, as our gunboats were last night shelling the woods in the vicinity of Smith's Point light, on the western shore, that the rebel gang had returned to that point and had escaped to the main land. Wood's is the same party who captured the Satellite and the Reliance. Plan of Grant and Sherman for d
embers of the General Assembly and for Commissioner of Public Works for the first district shall take place on the fourth Thursday of the present month (March), and for members of Congress on the first Wednesday in November next; therefore I, William Smith, Governor of the Commonwealth, do hereby proclaim that the officers whose duty it is to hold said elections in the several counties and corporations, and in the several military camps in which troops from this State are stationed, shall hold the people of the Commonwealth to the copy of the act hereto attached. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 1st day of March, 1865, and in the eighty-ninth year of the Commonwealth. William Smith. By the Governor: George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. an act to Amend and Re-Enact the first Section of the Seventh Chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), and to Direct a Synopsis of the Election laws, P