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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. parade of Volunteers — public meeting — Blending of parties-- intense enthusiasm — raising the flag of the Confederate States--Office holders -- Hamiltonians going South, &c., &c. Hampton, April 6th, 1861. This has been a gala day in our village.--Three volunteer companies were on parade, the "Wythe Rifles,"Capt. Willis, the "Washington Artillery, "Capt Smith, and the "Old Dominion Dragoons," Capt. Phillips, named respectively in honor of our great county man, George Wythe; the great leader of accession in 176, George Washington, who vindicated the right of self-government by the sword; and our "good old State," who, first of the thirteen Colonies, seceded alone from a union with tyranny, on the 15th May, 1776 and who will yet establish her claim to lead the van of freedom's hosts. Names are things, and in the above selection the careful observer will see reflected the spirit of the men who compose their ranks; and shoul<
Supreme Court of Appeals. --April10.--Upon the petition of the City of Richmond, a writ of supersedeas is awarded to a judgment recorded against it by Thos. U. Dudley, Sergeant, and as such, administrator of C. L. Long, deceased, in the Circuit Court or said city, on the 11th of February, 1861, upon the said petitioner entering into bond, with sufficient security, in the Clerk's Office of the said Circuit Court. Edward C. Booth and Jas. Smith, vs the Commonwealth, upon a writ of supersedeas, to a judgment recovered by the Commonwealth against the plaintiffs in the Circuit Court of Franklin county, May 19, 1859. Argued by the counsel of the plaintiffs in error, and by Jno. R. Tucker, Attorney General, and judgment announced "that for reasons stated in writing and filed with the record, that there is no error in the said judgment, therefore it is considered that the same be affirmed." The Court also affirmed the decision of the Court below, in the appeal case of Jamison v