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commanding. The guards of that section were rallied on their reserve, where they gallantly repulsed two attacks of the enemy's advance before reenforcements reached them. Before the attack began I ordered company H, Capt. Meagher, and First Lieut. John W. Smith, company I, forward to strengthen Lieut. Roop's reserve. Seeing the strength of the enemy's advance-guard greatly outnumbered Lieut. Roop's reserve, I immediately sent company B, Captain Charles Ent, forward also to take position on thand man did his duty nobly. My commands were promptly obeyed and executed under a heavy fire of the enemy, with a promptness that would do credit to the ordinary drill on the parade-ground. Capts. Meagher and Ent, First Lieuts. Roop, Allen, and Smith, and Second Lieuts. Peck and Harp, each commanding a company, and the only companies engaged, deserve particular mention. Our loss was, killed, three; wounded four; and missing ten. Their names accompany this report. The enemy's loss was: kil