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of march, and while we are writing is marching through the city with the guns and trophies captured from the enemy. Such is an outline of the expedition as we have gathered it from those who accompanied it. Our losses in the various skirmishes were light, being only in wounded and those taken with the train. The report of the loss on Saturday has not been received, but it was small, and that of the enemy heavy, as the latter attacked while our men fought from position. Generals Rice, Solomon, Carr, and Thayer, all fought like bull-dogs, and, when their commands were attacked, successfully repulsed the enemy. The negro regiments fought well, and took two guns at Elkins's Ferry. It is evident that the check received by General Banks, and his falling back to Grand Ecore, made a further advance by General Steele, with his small army, impossible. It was useless to hold Camden and depend upon supplies from this point or Pine Bluff. As the Red River expedition had been delayed,