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The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1860., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
olitical gathering here to discuss the political condition of the country. The excitement in regard to the election is now painfully intense. There seems to be a large class here who are not a whit behind the fire-eaters of South Carolina. For five days the Baptist State Convention has been in session here, and we have had much able preaching and speaking. Rev. Jas. McDaniel was elected Moderator, and Rev. W. T. Brooks, Clerk. The latter office has for many years been filled by Rev. Mr. Solomon, who has just left to take a church in your city. Rev. L. W. Allen, of Nashville, Tennessee, spoke in behalf of the Bible Board of the S. B. Convention. Rev. B. F. Marable, Corresponding Secretary of the North Carolina State Convention, spoke in favor of the colportage and missionary operations of this State. There are ten colporteurs and twenty missionaries in the employ of the Board. Rev. A. E. Dickinson represented the Foreign Mission Board of the S. B. Convention. --Rev. J. S. W