Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sparrow or search for Sparrow in all documents.

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The memorial of Dabucy H. Maury was referred to the Naval Committee. Mr. Semmes, from the Finance Committee, reported back, with amendments, the appropriation bill. The amendments were agreed to and the bill sent to the House. Mr. Sparrow, from the Military Committee, reported back, with an amendment, House bill to provide for increasing the price of the rations for sick and wounded soldiers in hospitals. The amendments were agreed to and the bill passed. The Military Com of the memorial of R. W. Gibbs, President of the Press Association; and a resolution inquiring into the expediency of organizing and strengthening the Trans-Mississippi Department by the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of War, etc. Mr. Sparrow, from the Military Committee, reported back adversely the bill to provide rations for the officers of the army during the war; and the bill relating to exchanged or paroled Confederate prisoners captured by the enemy west of the Mississippi ri