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Your search returned 6 results in 3 document sections:

6McCarthyJune 6, 1871. 117,644KimballAug. 1, 1871. 119,589EstabrookeOct. 3, 1871. 123,038NewcombJan. 23, 1872. 123,054SpearJan. 23, 1872. 125,535BromleyApr. 9, 1872. 127,982MerrickJune 18, 1872. 129,195WilliamsJuly 16, 1872. 129,761Stackpolehine′. A machine for cutting a groove in the sole of a shoe in which the sewing-stitch may lie and be protected. In Spear's machine, the sole being fastened to the turn-table, the tool to be used for channeling or beveling is slipped into the the tool is forced along, turning the table as is necessary. Beating-out machine (shoe-machinery manufacturing Co.) Spear's sole-channeling machine. Sole-cut′ting ma-chine′. One in which soleshaped pieces are cut from the side or from sarmth of the tavern fire. Speak′ing-tube. A pipe for conveying the voice from one apartment or floor to another. Spear. 1. (Weapon.) A very ancient instrument of war, consisting of a blade on the end of a long shaft. It still survive
and other surfaces. Tanner's (Fig. 6844) consists of a sole-plate a, to which is attached a block b, having a handle at each end. The cutter-holder c is connected to the block by a screw at each end. A central thumbscrew d serves to adjust the angle of inclination of the cutter e. The shavings ascend through the throat f. Veneer-planing machine. Ve-neer′--pol′ish-ing ma-chine′. A machine for giving a fine bright surface to veneer or veneered work. Veneer-polishing machine. Spear's machine has three sets of connected arms a b c, carrying three pulleys, the first of which receives motion from the drum d, and communicates motion to the second, which, in turn, transmits it to the third; the axis of the latter is cranked, and through the pitman e reciprocates the carriage f, from which the rubber g depends. The whole arrangement has sufficient flexibility to permit the rubber to be traversed laterally by the hand, while the polishing is effected in right lines by its re<
l.Saber-bayonet. Junk-wad.Sabot. Knapsack.Saker. LadleSalamander. Lancaster-gun.Sand-shot. Lance.Scabbard. Langrel.Scimeter. Lasso.Segment-shell. Leister.Shell. Level. GunShield. Light ball.Shot. Limber.Shot-cartridge. Linstock.Shot-gun. Lock-gun.Shot-pouch. Long-bow.Shrapnel. Lubricator.Shunt-gun. Mace.Siege-gun. Madrier.Sight. Gun Magazine-arm.Signal-rocket. Malkin.Sling. Martel-de-fer.Slow-match. Martin's shell.Slug. Match.Small-arm. Match-lock.Smoke-ball. Merkin.Spear. Metallic cartridge.Spherical case-shot. Minie-ball.Sponge. Mitrailleur.Stanchion-gun. Morning-star.Steam-gun. Mortar.Stiletto. Musket.Stock-fowler. Musketoon.Stretcher. Muzzle-sight.Sumpit. Nail-ball.Swab. Needle-gun.Swivel-gun. Nipple.Sword. Onager.Tangent-scale. Ordnance.Tape-primer. Ordnance-operating.Thumbstall. Paixhan.Time-fuse. Parrot-gun.Tinker. Pass-box.Tomahawk. Pendulum-hausse.Tompion. Percussion cap.Torpedo. Percussion-fuse.Traverse-circle. Percussion-shell.