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the operations of my brigade, describing all the terrible situations in which it had been placed, and dwelling with special emphasis on the courage and splendid fighting of the men. In contrast with my stupidly modest report, is that of Brigadier-General Spears. He does not hesitate to claim for his troops all the credit of the night engagement referred to; and yet while my men stormed the barricade of logs, and cleaned out the woods, his were lying on their faces fully two hundred yards in the rear, and I should never have known that they were even that near the enemy if his raw soldiers had not fired an occasional shot into us from behind. If General Spears was with his men, he must have known that his report of their action on that occasion was utterly untruthful. If, however, as I apprehend, he was behind the rifle pits, six hundred yards in the rear, he might, like thousands of others, who were distant spectators of the scene, have honestly conceived that his troops were doin
orbearance. --A brief skirmish took place in the vicinity of Munfordville, Ky., between a detachment of the Second Michigan cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant Darrow, and the advance-guard of the rebel forces, under General J. H. Morgan, resulting in a retreat of the latter with some loss.--(Doc. 88.) The obsequies of Rev. A. B. Fuller, late Chaplain of the Sixteenth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, killed at Fredericksburgh, Va., took place at Boston, Mass.--A portion of Colonel Spears's Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, had a spirited engagement at Joiner's Bridge, four miles above Franklin, on the Blackwater River, Va., with a squadron of rebel cavalry and a body of infantry, whom he dispersed, capturing one man and horse, and three infantry soldiers and their arms.--Philadelphia Inquirer. A detachment of General Sherman's expeditionary army, under the command of General M. L. Smith, destroyed a section of the Vicksburgh and Texas Railway, about ten miles west of
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
brilliant stroke of the gentleman who is pulling the wires). But now enter from the woods, in some confusion, a good number of Rebel cavalry; they form on the crest — but, boom! boom! go the cannon, and they disappear. Ah! here come the infantry! Now for a fight! Yes, a line of battle in retreat, and covering the rear. There are mounted officers; they gallop about, waving their tiny swords. Halt! The infantry form a good line on the crest; you can't scare them. What are they carrying? Spears? No, rails; that's what it is, rails for to revet a breastwork. They scramble about like ants. You had better hurry up, Yanks, if you want to carry that crest! (The stage manager informs me the Yanks are hurrying and the next act will be — Enter Duke Humphrey, in haste.) Hullo! There come six fleet mice dragging something, followed by more: yes, a battery. They unlimber: a pause: Flash!--(count twenty-two seconds by Captain Barrows's watch) then, bang!--flash! flash! bang! bang! There
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 170. retreat of the wild Cat Brigade. (search)
was issued to the troops, it was received with exultation. The Tennesseeans were especially delighted, and prepared with alacrity to return to their fire-sides. It had been currently reported that letters had been received by prominent Tennesseeans, from friends at Louisville and Washington, assuring them that the Cumberland Gap expedition would soon be pushed to an issue. This order, therefore, confirmed the report; and I am told that Hon. Andy Johnson, General Carter, Colonel Byrd, Colonel Spears, and others, were elated at the prospect of an immediate fruition of their hopes. They did not seem to comprehend that the order concerning the sick implied a retrograde movement. But when informed of the fact, they were overwhelmed with sorrow and indignation. Mr. Johnson turned from his informant, and entered his hotel without one word, in utter despair. The information was withheld from the troops until they were moving, when the fact flashed upon them, and they denounced it wit
A gallant Exploit.--Lieut.-Col. Spears, of Bird's 1st Tennessee regiment, now stationed near Somerset, is in our city. He brought as prisoners John L. Smith, his two sons, Joseph M. and Calvin, and two other active secessionists, who were arrested by a refugee Tennesseean named John Smith, who is now in the patriot ranks of our State. John Smith, when called upon to decide between the Union and the Confederacy, lived in or near Huntsville, and loyally determined to adhere to the Stars and Stripes. Jeff. Davis' proclamation warning all to leave the Confederacy who did not sympathize with the rebellion, induced him to sell his property preparatory to leaving, and he converted the proceeds into gold. But about the same time came the blockade order of Gov. Harris, forbidding any one to quit the State. John Smith was then seized by the five men who are here as prisoners, aided by some secession cavalry, and scourged and abused in various demoniac ways, until he revealed where his mo
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 5: California, New York, and Kansas. 1857-1859. (search)
rphy's. In trying to put these debts in course of settlement, I made some arrangement in Downieville with the law-firm of Spears & Thornton, to collect, by suit, a certain note of Green & Purdy for twelve thousand dollars. Early in April, I learned that Spears had collected three thousand seven hundred dollars in money, had appropriated it to his own use, and had pledged another good note taken in part payment of three thousand and fifty-three dollars. He pretended to be insane. I had to make te part owner of a valuable silver-mine in Nevada, and is now accounted a millionaire. I managed to save something out of Spears, and more out of his partner Thornton. This affair of Spears ruined him, because his insanity was manifestly feigned. Spears ruined him, because his insanity was manifestly feigned. I remained in San Francisco till July 3d, when, having collected and remitted every cent that I could raise, and got all the property in the best shape possible, hearing from St. Louis that business had revived, and that there was no need of further
ng was going on, and disappeared from sight. As a regiment they did not fire a gun. but Lieut.-Colonel Spears, who is a whole team and a horse to let, some way got in ahead of his men and where the cer — who turned out to be Lieut.-Colonel Carter--waked up the wrong passenger when he got after Spears, and the tables were turned, for instead of cutting Colonel Spears off, the Colonel took him priColonel Spears off, the Colonel took him prisoner and brought him back into the regiment. The Second Tennessee went through various and sundry evolutions; they were marched and countermarched, right-obliqued and left-obliqued, right-faced and documents found in the camp. The following was found on a table, in one of the cabins: Col. Spears: We fought you bravely, and desperately but misguidedly. We leave here under pressing circumre the circumstances became so pressing, that the writer did not wait to finish the epistle. Col. Spears supposes the writer to be Major John W. Bridgman, of the Tennessee cavalry. The following
two Pm.., and destroyed about two miles of railroad, together with large government warehouses, the railroad depot, and sixty-two bales of cotton. November twenty-seventh, marched toward Davisboro at six A. M., and reached that place at four P. M., where we encamped, after marching about twelve miles. November twenty-eighth, brigade moved to the Georgia Central Railroad, and assisted in destroying the track, etc., from Davisboro to Spears Station, a distance of twelve miles. Arrived at Spears and encamped at seven P. M. November twenty-ninth, continued destroying the railroad at seven A. M., and reached Bostwick Station about six P. M., after having destroyed eight miles of road. November thirtieth, started this morning toward Louisville at nine o'clock, and after marching ten miles, encamped within two miles of Louisville. December first. Pursuant to orders from division headquarters, I reported with my brigade to Brigadier-General Ward, commanding Third division, Twentie
P. M., near Gum Creek. 25th. On the march at seven A. M., until noon, then halted. At nightfall crossed swamp and Big Buffalo Creek, and encamped. 26th. On the march. Advance-guard of the division passed through Sandersville, Georgia, and encamped at night near the railroad. 27th. Command was engaged in destroying railroad. Encamped at eleven P. M., near Davisboro, Georgia. Rear-guard of division. 28th. On the march; guard on corps headquarter train. Encamped at night at Spears's Turn-out. 29th. On the march at daylight, destroying railroad. 30th. Still destroying railroad, also railroad bridge; then crossed the river and encamped at eleven P. M. December 1.--On the march. 2d. On the march all day. Encamped at four o'clock P. M., near Buckhead Creek. 3d. On the march; train-guard; swampy country. 4th, 5th, 6th. On the march; making slow progress on account of swamps and poor roads. 7th. On the march at eight o'clock A. M. En, camped at ha
We fought with this force till near sundown, pushing them from one cedar-brake to another, when, being reinforced by General Spears' brigade of East Tennesseeans, we drove the enemy out of his last stand in disorder. We returned after dusk and encarigade was moved forward to the north bank of Stone River, near the railroad, as an advanced force. On the same day, General Spears' First Tennessee brigade was assigned to the Eighth division. This brigade distinguished itself on the evening of tho) batteries, the Eleventh Michigan, Nine-teenth Illinois, Thirty-seventh Indiana, Wells' section (Kentucky) battery, and Spears' Tennessee brigade. I wish to make honorable mention of the bravery and efficient services rendered by the following named officers and men, for whom I earnestly request promotion: Brigadier-General Spears, commanding First Tennessee brigade. Colonel T. R. Stanley, Eighteenth Ohio volunteer infantry, commanding Twenty-ninth brigade. Colonel John T. Miller,