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The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abram Spears or search for Abram Spears in all documents.

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hey complied with. Rogers, being in his buggy and demurring to the arrest, caused some delay. Daniel Hibler and Abram Spears, hearing of the arrest, rushed down to the place and demanded his release. It being refused, Hibler fired, and instanr, the soldier received a gun from a companion (who came up while the difficulty was progressing), and immediately killed Spears, shooting him through the breast. When Hibler shot, Spears told him to kill the "damned rascal." Hibler was near enough,Spears told him to kill the "damned rascal." Hibler was near enough, and probably and his hand upon the soldier when he shot him. Several persons present state that Spears had drawn a pistol when he was shot; others that he had not. A negro woman was shot in the bowels, she says, by Rogers, and one barrel of hisSpears had drawn a pistol when he was shot; others that he had not. A negro woman was shot in the bowels, she says, by Rogers, and one barrel of his pistol was, upon examination, found to be empty. Rogers denies shooting at all. He is in custody. During the melee Rogers jumped from his buggy, and ran into a back yard of a private dwelling, but was soon overtaken. Several letters were found wh