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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 18, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Spears or search for Spears in all documents.
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Affairs in Gloucester. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Gloucester Co., Va., April 13.
The Yankee in this region are troublesome, Spears's cavalry, stationed at Glouster Point, have made several raids through the county recently, stealing and destroying the actual necessaries of life from the defenceless inhabitants.
The gunboats continue their usual voyages up York over as far as West Point.
Last week a deserter, named Woodard, from the Gloucester Light Dragoons, escorted by several marines, burnt a barn, filled with grain, belonging to Lieut Leavitt, of same company.
Large fleets of Eastern vessels are busily engaged stealing oysters, Brig Gen.
Wistar, commanding at Yorktown, informs the citizens that for every vessel that is destroyed by our troops he (Gen Wistar) intends retaliating by applying the torch to some peaceful dwelling located on the river.
Surely the condition of the Gloucester people is heart-rending. A. J. A.