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The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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he second tier of casemates had been walled up. We observed yesterday that the masonry closing two of these casemates, pointing towards Fort Moultrie, has been removed, the guns for those casemates being completely mounted. Two additional companies of volunteers, who have entered the service of the State for six months, arrived in the city yesterday, and, without arms or equipments, were marched on board the steamer Excel, for secret service. The first company, under command of Captain Spires, and Lieutenants George Robinson, F. C. Barber and Henry Key, numbered over one hundred strong, healthy-looking men, from Hamburg. The second company, styled the "Cherokee Pond Volunteers," numbered eighty-two men, nearly all of them young fathers, eager for service. They were commanded by Captain Meriwether, and Lieutenants A. P. Butler and D. L. Shaw. The Palmetto Guards, as well as a portion of the Irish Volunteers, were also out on duty during the night. The Lafayette Art