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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. 24 0 Browse Search
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that year for stock in trade and faculty. Mr. Sprague hired land at Labor in Vain landing and con very angry at the new arrangement and told Mr. Sprague that he would not sign any contract if that he was pitted against two stronger ones, and Sprague and James, after some months of waiting, recehe China trade to smuggle opium. Sometimes Sprague and James built ships for their own investmenorge Pratt. Captain Shaw, her commander, and Sprague and James had a share in her. These ships pliible now to tell the fate of all the ships of Sprague and James, but though some were wrecked and oip not more than two or three years old. Mr. Sprague was the head of the mechanical part of the their friendship and it was continued until Mr. Sprague died, in 1851. Both men, according to th families. Joshua Turner Foster lived with Mr. Sprague and later married his daughter. John Tayloer. Foster and Taylor succeeded the firm of Sprague and James in the Labor in Vain yard. After M[2 more...]