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, some 1,200 yards to the northward. In reply to the play of the enemy's batteries, our own artillery had not been Idle or unskillful. The ground occupied by our guns, on a level with that held by the batteries of the enemy, was an open space of limited extent, behind a low induration, just at the eastern verge of the plateau, some 500 or 600 yards from the Henry House. Here, as before said, 13 pieces, mostly six-pounders, were maintained in action. The several batteries of Imboden, Stanard, Pendicton, (Rockbridge Artillery,) and Alburns's, of the army of the Shenandoah, and five guns of Walton's, and Heaton's section of Roger's battery, of the army of the Potomac, alternating to some extent with each other, and taking part as needed; all from the outset displaying that marvellous capacity of our people, as artillerists, which has made them, it would appear, at once the terror and the admiration of the enemy. As was soon apparent, the Federalists had suffered severely fro