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The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1865., [Electronic resource] 13 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1864., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles Stebbins or search for Charles Stebbins in all documents.

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unobserved, and were quartered at the house of his brother, Mr. Charles Stebbins, in the upper part of the city, or had taken refuge with somthe situation of affairs.--Near the street window were the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins, where they had fallen with their faces downwards,Mrs. Stebbins, where they had fallen with their faces downwards, as if in the act of rushing back to the assistance of their children, while, in the other part of the room, the charred and almost limbless k I arrived at the scene of conflagration. I did not see any of Mr. Stebbins's family, but distinctly heard, before I got to the house, Mr. SMr. Stebbins crying for help; also, a female voice crying for help. When I arrived there, there were only a few persons present. I made an efforte platform outside. The doors were all open. I asked a lady if Mr. Stebbins's family had escaped; she told me she thought they had. I had no third story I could have saved the bodies, if not the lives, of Mr. Stebbins and his family. R. J. Christian, having been sworn, testifi