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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
annel is fair for any wind with southing in it, the only dangerous ones. It admits the largest class of vessels; it is easily defended; it is in the heart of South Carolina; it is twenty miles from Savannah, and thirty from Charleston; it has room enough for the navies of the world; it is a Fortress Monroe in South Carolina. Negroes are pouring in; they believe their condition is to be bettered. The white men have all fled. Vessels go up to Beaufort to-day. This will be carried by Capt. Steedman, of the Bienville, who followed the Wabash into the thickest fight, and behaved very gallantly. Beaufort has been taken by the gunboats, the town having been abandoned by the whites. The negroes were pillaging the town. They said the whites were shooting them right and left, in order to drive them back into the interior. A boat which came off to the Seneca said one man, giving his name, shot six of the negroes. John Rogers. Letter from General Viele. The following letter wa
I took passage on the Bienville, which left on the 23d, having in tow the Brandywine, which Capt. Steedman had orders to proceed with to Fortress Monroe. He arrived at the latter point at nine o'cloe thorough sea-going qualities of the Bienville enabled her to ride the gale out safely, but Capt. Steedman deemed it his duty to lay to during the early part of the ensuing day, lest some vessel of t could live an instant in such a sea. Who will volunteer to save the Winfield Scott? asked Captain Steedman. I, I, shouted a score of voices. Three small boats were at once lowered, and quickly inions so necessary, and yet that augur such fearful things to come. From our gallant commander, Steedman — himself a South Carolinian by birth, but a thorough Union man for all that — down to the powdwere mangled pieces of flesh immersed in gore. I saw still other sickening things. Commander Charles Steedman, of the Bienville, himself a native of Charleston, with that humanity which is ever th
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 170. retreat of the wild Cat Brigade. (search)
the surgeons to me, that was the cruelest order officer ever gave. I protested in vain. I urged that it would kill my patients. But come they must. I shall lose perhaps thirty or forty of my regiment, and it will plant consumption in the lungs of two hundred more. And here is another picture. We splash along tediously through the mire, and mounted officers encourage their men by kind words of sympathy. Nearly all relieve feeble soldiers by carrying their knapsacks and muskets. Colonel Steedman, long racked with chills and fever, and scarce able to sit his horse, rides with his scattered columns. Colonel Connell, suffering from illness, bears the burthen of a sick soldier's knapsack. Colonel Coburn dismounts, and pushes through the mud, while a feeble lad rides his charger. The captains, on foot, emulate their superiors, and encourage them by example. At Rockcastle River, the column is victoriously over Wildcat. The dismal train halts at the ferry, in the mud and rain.