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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chickamauga, battle of (search)
and Brannan had barely time to dispose their troops properly, when they were furiously attacked, the Confederates throwing in fresh troops continually. General Granger, commanding reserves at Rossville, hastened to the assistance of Thomas with Steedman's division. The latter fought his way to the crest of a hill, and then turning his artillery upon his assailants, drove them down the southern slope of the ridge with great slaughter. They returned to the attack with an overwhelming force, detverely. Finally, when they were moving along a ridge and in a gorge, to assail his right flank and rear, Granger formed two brigades (Whittaker's and Mitchell's) into a charging party, and hurled them against the Confederates led by Hindman. Steedman led the charging party, with a regimental flag in his hand, and soon won a victory. In the space of twenty minutes the Confederates disappeared, and the Nationals held both the ridge and gorge. Very soon a greater portion of the Confederate
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Forrest, Nathan Bedford 1821-1877 (search)
ens. The post was surrendered about half an hour before sufficient reinforcements arrived to hold it. These, with the garrison, after a sharp conflict, became prisoners. Forrest then pushed on northward to Pulaski, in Tennessee, destroying the railway; but General Rousseau, at Pulaski, repulsed Forrest after brisk skirmishing several hours, when the raider made eastward, and struck the railway between Tullahoma and Decherd. He was confronted and menaced by National forces under Rousseau, Steedman, and Morgan, and withdrew before he had done much damage. At Fayetteville he divided his forces, giving 4,000 to Buford, his second in command. Buford attacked Athens (Oct. 2-3), which General Granger had regarrisoned with the 73d Indiana Regiment, and was repulsed. Forrest had pushed on to Columbia, on the Duck River, with 3,000 men, but did not attack, for he met Rousseau, with 4,000 men, coming down from Nashville. At the same time, Gen. C. C. Washburne was moving up the Tennessee on
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nashville, (search)
so intense that very little was done. Thomas made a general advance, on the morning of the 15th, from his right, while Steedman made a vigorous movement of his left to distract Hood. The country was covered with a dense fog, which did not rise unthe dismounted cavalry pressed back the left flank of the Confederates several miles to the foot of the Harpeth Hills. Steedman, meanwhile, had gained some advantage on Thomas's extreme left. But darkness closed the contest, which resulted in the ike, and, pushing on southward, was confronted by Hood's new line of defences on Overton's Hill, 5 miles from the city. Steedman then secured Wood's flank by taking post on his left, and Smith came in on Wood's right, while Schofield threatened the to the right and blocked a way of retreat. This successful movement was announced by shouts of victory, which Wood and Steedman heard, and again charged the Confederate works on their front which were taken and secured. The Confederates fled in su
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steedman, Charles 1811-1890 (search)
Steedman, Charles 1811-1890 Naval officer; born in Charleston, S. C., Sept. 24, 1811; entered the navy in 1828; and served on the coast of Mexico during the war against that country. He was in command of the Dolphin in the Paraguay expedition in 1859-60; performed excellent service as commodore on the Southern coasts in 1861-62; and commanded the Ticonderoga in both attacks on Fort Fisher. In 1866 he was in command of the European Squadron, and in 1870 of the navy-yard at Boston. In 1871 he was promoted rear-admiral, and in 1873 was retired. He died in Washington, D. C., Nov. 13, 1890.