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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 133 5 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 99 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 98 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 93 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 78 2 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 67 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 55 7 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 39 1 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 33 5 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 31 3 Browse Search
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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
Hard Times with his two other divisions, under Steele and Tuttle. He arrived there on the 6th of Masions. This order was executed without delay: Steele's division left at an early hour on the 16th; d seen his division of the right, commanded by Steele, compelled to halt upon a height where it had they had emerged. On the right of Sherman, Steele has finally taken a position whence he has advhough with as much courage as in the morning. Steele, on the right, descends once more into the rav in the ground, Tuttle, who was on the left of Steele, succeeded in descending into the valley whichd of the Army of Observation: he took with him Steele's division, and was joined by the Thirteenth c of his own corps, the Fifteenth, commanded by Steele; of the Thirteenth, under Ord, reinforced by Lints—Ord on the right, at the railroad-bridge; Steele in the centre, at Messenger's Ferry; and the Ndian. On the 18th, Sherman sent out after him Steele's division, which proceeded as far as Brandon,[1 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 6 (search)
Tuttle. Brigade, Mower. 8th division, Brig.-gen. Tuttle. Brigade, Buckland. 8th division, Brig.-gen. Tuttle. Brigade, John E. Smith. 11th division, Brig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Woods. 11th division, Brig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Manter. 11th division, Brig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Thayer. Sixteenth army corps, Major-gBrig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Manter. 11th division, Brig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Thayer. Sixteenth army corps, Major-general Hurlbut. 1st division, Brig.-gen. W. S. Smith. 2d division, Brig.-gen. Kimball. 4th division, Brig.-gen. Lauman. Seventeenth army corps, the Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth corps formed the army of the Tennessee proper; the thirteen divisions composing it were numbered consecutively. Major-general Brig.-gen. Steele. Brigade, Thayer. Sixteenth army corps, Major-general Hurlbut. 1st division, Brig.-gen. W. S. Smith. 2d division, Brig.-gen. Kimball. 4th division, Brig.-gen. Lauman. Seventeenth army corps, the Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth corps formed the army of the Tennessee proper; the thirteen divisions composing it were numbered consecutively. Major-general McPherson. 7th division, Brig.-gen. Quinby. Brigade, Sanborn. 7th division, Brig.-gen. Quinby. Brigade, Holmes. 7th division, Brig.-gen. Quinby. Brigade, Boomer (killed May 22). 3d division, Brig.-gen. Logan. Brigade, Stevenson. 3d division, Brig.-gen. Logan. Brigade, J. E. Smith. 6th division, Brig.-gen. McArthu
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
n's Company. 6th Missouri Cavalry, Cos. B, E, F, G, H, I and K. Fifteenth army corps. Major-General William T. Sherman. First division. Major-general Frederick Steele. First brigade. Colonel Francis H. Manter. 13th Illinois. 27th Missouri. 29th Missouri. 30th Missouri. 31st Missouri. 32d Missouri. Secony (Pioneers), Patterson's Co. 6th Missouri Cavalry (7 companies). Fifteenth army corps. Major-General William T. Sherman. First division. Major-general Frederick Steele. First brigade. Colonel Francis H. Manter. Succeeded by Colonel Bernard G. Farrar, June 13. 13th Illinois. 27th Missouri. 29th Missouri 30s Cavalry (detachment). Kentucky Inf. (Pioneers), Patterson's Co. Fifteenth army corps. Major-General William T. Sherman. First division. Major-general Frederick Steele. First brigade. Colonel Bernard G. Farrar. 13th Illinois. 27th Missouri. 29th Missouri. 30th Missouri. 31st Missouri. 32d Missouri. Secon