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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Ceremonies connected with the unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee, at Lee circle, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 22, 1884. (search)
political societies, the people, not of America, but of the United States, each (State) enjoying sovereign power and, of course, equal rights. Time and the occasion admonish me that I must arrest here the discussion of this interesting historical question. I have, of course, barely indicated the faint outlines of the grand argument sustaining the right of secession. Those who desire to go deeper may consult those great storehouses of facts and principles, the works of Calhoun, Bledsoe, Stephens, Sage, and our immortal leader, Jefferson Davis. It is not for me dogmatically to proclaim that we were right and that the supporters of the Union were wrong. I shall have accomplished a duty, and shall, as I believe, have rendered a service to the whole Union, if what I have said shall contribute to confirm the Southern people in the veneration and respect justly due to the cause for which their fathers fought, and, at the same time, to moderate the vehemence with which many of the Nor
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address of J. C. C. Black, at the unveiling of the Hill statue, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1, 1886. (search)
ccess, but that has been true of the greatest and best. His apparent failures to achieve victory only called for a renewal of the struggle with unbroken spirit and purpose. Failure he did not suffer, for his very defeats were victories. To say, as may be justly said, that he was conspicuous among those who have made our history for thirty years is high encomium. During that period the most memorable events of our past have transpired. It recalls besides his own the names and careers of Stephens, Toombs, the Cobbs, Johnson and Jenkins. In what sky has brighter galaxy ever shone? The statesmanship, the oratory, the public and private virtue it exhibits should swell every breast with patriotic pride. In some of the highest qualifications of leadership none of his day surpassed him. He did not seek success by the schemes of hidden caucus or crafty manipulation. He won his triumphs on the arena of open, fair debate before the people. An earnest student of public questions, he bold
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Calhoun—Nullification explained. (search)
guage of Calhoun. In his celebrated proclamation against the South Carolina Nullification Ordinance, he admitted that the right of resisting unconstitutional acts was an infeasible right, but denied that a State could, consistently with the Constitution, retain its place in the Union and yet nullify its laws; that is to say, prohibit their execution within its limits, pending the reference to, and decision by, the States in Convention of the question of their constitutionality. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, in his history of the United States, page 347, quotes this passage from the Proclamation, and says: By many who did not approve of the course of South Carolina, the Proclamation, taken as a whole, was looked upon as amounting in substance to a denial of the right of secession on the part of any State for any cause whatever. This was the view taken generally by the old Federalists and the extreme advocates of State Rights, but the President afterwards maintained that an erroneo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), President Davis in reply to General Sherman. (search)
h he said had been written by the late Alexander H. Stephens to the late Herschel V. Johnson, both ion made by him at the Frank Blair Post, this Stephens-Johnson letter was to be substituted for the ns and repeat its purport. He said that the Stephens-Johnson letter was the letter, and here's theThe Enquirer is the public journal to which Mr. Stephens referred in his letter to Hon. H. V. Johnsoss, and that, right under your nose, to use Mr. Stephens's expression, the Examiner daily expressed It is due to the memory of the late Alexander H. Stephens, whose letter to Herschel V. Johnson hcarefully-prepared history of the war which Mr. Stephens has left to inform posterity of his views occessful effort for peace in Hampton Roads, Mr. Stephens says: Many who had heard this master time. In the same volume, on page 657, Mr. Stephens speaks of me as a man of very strong convic. In October of the same year, (Life of A. H. Stephens, by Johnson & Browne, pages 445-47,) he wr[2 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 21 (search)
ng constituency, advanced to a seat in the Representative Chamber of the National Assembly. Here he made his debut on the Oregon question. In the judgment of Mr. Stephens, his first speech placed him in the front rank of the debaters, orators, and statesmen of that body. Educated in and a firm disciple of the Jeffersonian sching voice, and feeble gesture, he pronounced, in the Hall of Representatives at Atlanta, a funeral oration over the dead body of his life long friend, Governor Alexander H. Stephens. For some time prior to his demise, General Toombs had been but the shadow of his former great self. The death of a noble wife, to whom he was devotspirations and her glory. He was the survivor of that famous companionship which included such eminent personages as Crawford, Cobb, Johnson, Jenkins, Hill, and Stephens. While during his long and prominent career General Toombs was courted, admired, and honored, while in the stations he filled he was renowned for the brilliancy
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Correspondence between Governor Vance, of North Carolina, and President Jefferson Davis. (search)
sent a military officer with a communication addressed by myself to President Lincoln. The letter was received by General Scott, who did not permit the officer to see Mr. Lincoln, but who promised that an answer would be sent. No answer has ever been received. The third time, a few months ago, a gentleman was sent whose position, character, and reputation were such as to insure his reception, if the enemy were not determined to receive no proposal whatever from this government. Vice-President Stephens made a patriotic tender of his services in the hope of being able to promote the cause of humanity, and although little belief was entertained of his success, I cheerfully yielded to his suggestion, that the experiment should be tried. The enemy refused to let him pass through their lines or to hold any conference with them. He was stopped before he even reached Fortress Monroe on his way to Washington. To attempt again (in the face of these repeated rejections of all conference