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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
Mr. Lincoln, in his private interview with Mr. Stephens at Fort Monroe, said to Mr Stephens, Let me private interviews between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stephens. My position was, and is, that no such stato have taken place between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stephens were known to the other commissioners, or is as were talked of between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stephens, or that any such information was ever commnly in the confidence of Mr. Stephens, that Mr. Stephens had told him the night before, and just aftdays after the return of the commissioners, Mr. Stephens in conversation with Hon. Clifford Anderson I think it also came from Senator Orr. Mr. Stephens again. Some time after the war, betwMr. Stephens, wrote to him on the subject. Mr. Stephens promptly replied that it was not true that ary, still not satisfied with the denial of Mr. Stephens, addressed a letter to Hon. John H. Reagan, between them. These statements show, what Mr. Stephens' book and the other evidence shows, that no[18 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
unter regarded it as his duty to accept the Union in good faith, and, as a good citizen, to co-operate with patriotic men in every section to restore the reign of law and order and the Federal Constitution. This was the sentiment of Virginia and the South. It was deeply unfortunate that this sentiment was not at once recognized and acted on by the dominant party, instead of adopting, as they did, the policy of hate, military rule and disfranchisement. Men like Hunter, Campbell, Baldwin, Stephens and Lee ought to have been invited to public positions, to help to restore the old Union, and then, instead of a vulgar sectional conquest, keeping the South as a mere province for long, weary years to be harried and plundered and lied about, there would have been a genuine restoration of the Union and a rapid growth of the old national feeling, in which consists the real strength of the Republic. Well did the eloquent Kossuth say: Hatred is no good counsellor. No government built on hate
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
nued: Our home was the center of a most brilliant coterie. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice-President of the Confederate States, was ccess and our boys were fighting so bravely, but towards the end Mr. Stephens and Mr. Garland, General Sparrow and Mr. Semmes used to come homt brilliant officers of the army. There were present Mr. Davis, Mr. Stephens, Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary Mallory, Mrs. Mallory—in fact, allall of Mason and Slidell, Yancey and Breckenridge, and Mallory and Stephens, Beauregard and Johnston. He remembered as though it were only ynd game, and good bread, made at home, and nice dessert. We had Mr. Stephens and General Sparrow, and Mr. Garland from our home, and Bishop Ms day, but the old brilliancy and fire were fast ebbing away. Mr. Stephens never forgot that New year's dinner, said Mrs. Semmes, and she t an old scrap-book, carefully put away, an autograph letter from Mr. Stephens, dated New Year's, 1866. My dear Mrs. Semmes: Two years ago to-