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n35.  James Russell110. Nov. 14, 1836.William Parmenter164.  Samuel Hoar125. Nov. 12, 1838.William Parmenter178.  Nathan Brooks164. Nov. 9, 1840.William Parmenter248.  Nathan Brooks216. Nov. 4, 1842.Robert Rantoul, jun275.  Leverett Saltonstall151.  William B. Dodge25. Nov. 11, 1844.George Hood254.  Daniel P. King211.  Henry B. Stanton57. Nov. 9, 1846.Daniel P. King157.  George W. Dike156.  Increase H. Brown12. Nov. 13, 1848.Daniel P. King244.  Robert Rantoul, jun200.  Caleb Stetson70. Nov. 11, 1850.Charles W. Upham232.  Robert Rantoul, jun217.  Samuel E. Sewall64. Nov. 8, 1852.Francis B. Fay200.  George Hood192.  John B. Alley64.  George Osborn62. Nov. 13, 1854.Nathaniel P. Banks470.  Luther V. Bell136. Councillors and Senators. John Brooks, Councillor1812. P. C. Brooks, Councillor1818. Timothy Bigelow, Councillor1820. James M. Usher, Senator,1851. Sanford B. Perry, Senator,1852. E. C. Baker, Senator,1855. Representatives o
, Jonathan Brooks, and John King, engage Mr. Caleb Stetson, a graduate of Harvard College in 1822, Jan. 8, 1827: Voted unanimously to give Mr. Caleb Stetson an invitation to settle with us as our min the gospel. Voted unanimously to give Mr. Stetson one thousand dollars salary. Voted to give Mr. Stetson one thousand dollars over and above his salary, to be paid on the day of his settlemsubscription for that purpose. Jan. 16: Mr. Stetson accepts the invitation, and on the 28th of ch and congregation relative to the call of Mr. Stetson, and found them satisfactory; whereupon theFrancis, D. D., of Watertown; sermon, by Rev. Caleb Stetson; concluding prayer, by Rev. N. L. Frothie first parish saw their activity; and when Mr. Stetson resigned his office of pastor, March 24, 18 During his ministry of twenty-one years, Mr. Stetson baptized 210 persons; married 143 couples; ttledJuly 9, 1823.ResignedJan. 9, 1827. Rev. Caleb Stetson,SettledFeb. 28, 1827.ResignedMar. 24, 18[1 more...]
than Porter1814 John P. Bigelow1815 Convers Francis1815 Charles Brooks1816 William Ward1816 Sidney Brooks1819 Thomas Savage Clay1819 William H. Furness1820 Edward B. Hall1820 George B. Osborn1820 John Angier1821 Ward C. Brooks1822 Caleb Stetson1822 Charles Angier1827 Elijah N. Train1827 John James Gilchrist1828 Joseph Angier1829 Charles V. Bemis1835 George Clisby1836 Thomas S. Harlow1836 Thompson Kidder1836 Andrew D. Blanchard1842 Horace D. Train1842 Benjamin L. Swan1844 ical School, Pa.1854 The Scriptural Doctrine of Good Works.  What is it to be a Unitarian?  The Atonement.  No Professed Religion.  The Life and Times of John Howland; a Discourse delivered before the Rhode Island Historical Society.  Rev. Caleb Stetson. An Oration delivered at Lexington, July 41825 A Sermon preached before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, June 71830 Tracts of the American Unitarian Association: The Apostle Paul a Unitarian; Piety at Home; Domestic Wo
s called Mr. Anderson. He died in middle-age. Medford was the first town in the United States that rescued a fugitive slave. The antislavery movement of our day is one of the most prominent and effectual agencies ever witnessed. It has waked up the nation to the injustice and moral evil of involuntary bondage; and Medford has its full share of intelligent, persevering, and Christian opposers of the slave-system. Advocates of the system we have none. The Rev. John Pierpont and the Rev. Caleb Stetson early became devoted and able lecturers in the field; and, if a fugitive slave should now reach Medford, there would be fifty Nathan Waits to shelter and comfort him. Pauperism. To this class of unfortunates every Christian heart should turn with sympathy, and desire to become a Howard to them. Sad, sad indeed it is to be left to the bleak mercy of the world. That provisions for the poor increase the poor, there can be no doubt; yet, after all due allowances are made, the f
kins, and has--  40-63William O., b. Sept. 4, 1837.  64Sarah F., b. Mar. 15, 1840. 30-41Edward Wade m. Nancy Hoskins, Oct. 26, 1814; and d. Nov. 27, 1836, leaving--  41-65Fitch.  66Esther, m. Isaac Wetherbee.  67Elizabeth, m. Daniel Hitchins.  68Martha, m. Abiel Winship. I find, in the church records, a copy of the inscription on the Wade Tomb, with the following remark on it: The following is copied from a communication of Turell Tufts, Esq.; there is apparently some error in it.--C. Stetson. Major Wade's tomb was purchased by the late Ebenezer Hall, and is now in possession of his children. The old tablet removed by Mr. Hall was of red sandstone, and contained the following inscriptions:-- Here lyeth interred the body of Major Jonathan Wade, Esquire, who departed this life the 24th of November, anno Dom. 1689, in the 53d year of his age. Also the body of Dorothy Wade, wife to said Jonathan Wade, Esquire, daughter of Honourable Thomas Dudley, Esquire, deceased the 1st of<
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 12: Norfolk County. (search)
n C. C. Bampas, which left with the regiment for the seat of war April 17th, and arrived at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, April 20th, 1861. It was the first loyal regiment that reached Virginia in the war. J. H. D. Blake, Jason G. Howard, Caleb Hollis, and Elisha Thayer were chosen to act with the selectmen in the distribution of the money. A committee of five was also appointed to collect money to cancel the debt of the Braintree Light-Infantry incurred in the purchase of a new uniform. Caleb Stetson, Alva Morrison, N. H. Hunt, A. Mason, and Asa French were appointed said committee. August 19th, The selectmen were authorized to borrow one thousand dollars to be expended for State aid to soldiers' families as provided by law. 1862. July 14th, Voted, to pay one hundred dollars to each resident of the town who shall within thirty days enlist for three years military service and be credited to the quota of Braintree. Four thousand seven hundred dollars were appropriated to pay the s
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 9: a literary club and its organ. (search)
re present Ripley, Emerson, Hedge, Alcott, Clarke, and Francis, and one or two divinity students. This led to a much larger meeting at Mr. Emerson's in Concord, at which were present, besides the above, O. A. Brownson, T. Parker, C. A. Bartol, C. Stetson, and various other men; with Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth P. Peabody. This was the inauguration of a club, called The Transcendental Club by the world; sometimes, by Mr. Alcott, The Symposium Club; and occasionally, by its members, The Hedgeerials. Hedge supplied the trained philosophic mind; Convers Francis, the omnivorous mental appetite; James Freeman Clarke, the philanthropic comprehensiveness; Theodore Parker, the robust energy; Orestes A. Brownson, the gladiatorial vigor; Caleb Stetson, the wit; William Henry Channing, the lofty enthusiasm; Ripley, the active understanding; Bartol, the flame of aspiration; Alcott, the pure idealism; Emerson, the lumen siccum, or dry light. Among members or occasional guests were Thoreau, J
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
. Schiller, J. C. F. von, 45. Scott, David, 225, 226. Scott, Sir, Walter, 228, 297. Scougal, Ienry, 69. Segur, Comte de, 109. Shakespeare, William, 291, 292. Shelley, P. B., 42, 134, 290, 307. Shepard, Mr., 9. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, 24. Slavery, American, 10, 12, 14, 126. Smith, Southwood, 229. Socrates, 309. Southey, Robert, 45, 290. Spring, Edward, 223. Spring, Marcus and Rebecca, 219, 220, 228, 239. Spurzheim, J. G., 49. Stael, Madame de, 30, 37, 45, 109 Stetson, Caleb, 142, 144. Stone, T. T., 163. Storer, Mrs. R. B., 3. Storrow, Miss Ann G., 36. Storrow, Samuel, 51, 52. Story, Joseph, 33. Story, William W., 240. Story, Mrs. William W., 238, 240, 241, 266, 275 ; narrative of, 241; letter from, 244; letter to, 268. Summer on the Lakes, 194. Sumner, Horace, 275. T. Tappan, Caroline (Sturgis), 87, 111, 154, 156, 199, 200, 211. Tasso, by Goethe, translated, 47, 63, 188. Taylor, Helen, 281. Tennyson, Alfred, 69, 220. The great
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 7: first Western tour.—1847. (search)
at the house of Rev. Theodore Parker, in this city. He styled it, in his notes of invitation, a Council of Reformers, and the object was to discuss the general principles of Reform, and the best means of promoting it. Let me give you the names of some of those present—Ralph Waldo Emerson, Amos B. Alcott, William Henry Channing, James F. Clarke, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Edmund Quincy, Mrs. M. W. Chapman, Mrs. Follen, James and Lucretia Mott and daughter of Philadelphia, Caleb Stetson, John L. Russell, Francis Jackson, Charles Sumner, Samuel G. Howe, E. H. Chapin, Joshua P. Blanchard, Samuel E. Coues of Portsmouth, Elizur Wright, Jr., Walter Channing. I have not yet given all the names. It was a matter of deep interest even to see this collection of the men alive of our neighborhood and day. From 4 to 10 P. M., with a short interval for tea, a most spirited conversation was held on all the great Reform subjects of the day. I am more than ever convinced that the Anti
was president of that institution. He died in Cambridge, January 6, 1888, in his eightieth year. From this barren sketch, it is possible to conceive somewhat of his long and useful life. During the spring and summer of 1830 Milk Row School had the services of Miss Sarah A. Mead, a young lady from Waltham. She was followed by Jeremiah Sanborn, who taught the winter term, 1830-1. Miss Mead was born in Cambridge and was educated at the Lexington Institute, when under the charge of Rev. Caleb Stetson. This, it will be remembered, developed into our first State Normal School. It was here that Miss Mead became acquainted with her future husband, Bowen Adams Tufts, son of Thomas Tufts of Charlestown and Lexington. Mr. Tufts was educated at Bradford Academy, and before marriage was also a teacher in this vicinity. For several terms he taught school at Charlestown End, called in this history the Gardner Row district. At another time he was teaching in Cambridge in a school just ove