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h, and during a portion of the time with Stewart's brigade, was engaged in the same sort of heavy work, driving the enemy, and, in turn, losing the ground he had won, until it had been three times fought over. This was with McClernand's troops, and Buckland's brigade of Sherman's division. Cheatham's division had been formed in the morning on either side of the Pittsburg road, immediately in rear of Clark's division. He was first ordered to the left, with his Second Brigade, under Colonel Stevens, by Polk, to support Bragg, and was ordered thence by Beauregard to the extreme right, to ascertain the point where the firing was heaviest, and there engage the enemy at once. About 10 A. M. he came upon the enemy, strongly posted on the right, and engaged him in an artillery duel for an hour, when Breckinridge came up and formed on his right. At eleven o'clock, Colonel Jordan ordered Cheatham to charge, which he did across an open field. The enemy occupied an abandoned road, beh
fast flank movements the enemy fall back from Centreville in great haste and confusion heavy skirmishing with the enemy's Rearguard near Fairfax death of Generals Stevens and Kearny further retreat of the enemy, who enter their fortified lines round Arlington Heights and Alexandria Jackson crosses into Maryland he is folloic-stricken troops. The enemy's loss in these skirmishes has been estimated at more than ten hundred killed and wounded. Among many officers who fell were Generals Stevens and Kearny. The latter met his death in a singular manner. The Federal cavalry finding Jackson close upon their flank, and Lee in hot pursuit at the rear, in the neighborhood of Fairfax Court-House, beat a hasty retreat, and infantry becoming alarmed, abandoned every thing, and ran also. Stevens and Kearny immediately faced about with their divisions; and while the latter was out reconnoitring, he suddenly came upon one of our Georgia regiments. Perceiving danger, he shouted, Don't
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
a soldier, with the unspoiled heart of a boy. Three of these, college mates of mine. What far dreams drift over the spirit, of the days when we questioned what life should be, and answered for ourselves what we would be! Now passes the artillery, guns all dear to us; but we have seen no more of some, familiar and more dear: Hall's 2d Maine, that was on the cavalry front on the first day of Gettsyburg, grand in retreat as in action, afterwards knowing retreat only in sunset bugle-call; Stevens' 5th Maine, that tore through the turmoil of that tragic day, and gave the Louisiana Tigers another cemetery than that they sought on the storied hill; roaring its way through the darkness of 1864, holding all its ancient glory. Most of the rest we knew had gone to the reserve. The pageant has passed. The day is over. But we linger, loath to think we shall see them no more together,--these men, these horses, these colors afield. Hastily they have swept to the front as of yore; cross
Chapter 23. Cameron's report Lincoln's letter to Bancroft annual message on slavery the Delaware experiment joint resolution on compensated abolishment first border State interview Stevens's comment- District of Columbia abolishment Committee on abolishment Hunter's order revoked antislavery measures of Congress second border State interview emancipation proposed and postponed The relation of the war to the institution of slavery has been touched upon in descrut a similar party division, not quite a month later; the delay occurring through press of business rather than unwillingness. As yet, however, the scheme was tolerated rather than heartily indorsed by the more radical elements in Congress. Stevens, the cynical Republican leader of the House of Representatives, said: I confess I have not been able to see what makes one side so anxious to pass it, or the other side so anxious to defeat it. I think it is about the most diluted milk-an
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 20 (search)
ioneer officers. To make mention of the officers and men of this brigade distinguished for gallantry would be to make out almost a complete muster-roll, but can, without detriment to the other gallant men, call attention to Captain Sutphen, Ninetieth Ohio; Captain Latimer, One hundred and first Ohio; Lieutenant Ford, Thirty-first Indiana, as officers deserving more than thanks. To all the members of my staff I am under obligations for the prompt and energetic manner in which they have discharged their duties. Particularly am I indebted to Lieutenant Felton, Ninetieth Ohio, aide-de-camp, and Lieutenant Stevens, Eighty-first Indiana, assistant inspector-general. Always correct in their judgment, always on the front line when there was work to do, rendering active and valuable assistance, and untiring in their efforts. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, I. M. Kirby, Colonel, Commanding. Capt. E. D. Mason, Asst. Adjt. Gen., First Division, Fourth Army Corps.
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 21 (search)
t of this regiment. After a few minutes' halt the Eighty-first Indiana advanced and I closed up to their left and the line halted. I then had some old logs and light wood formed into a barricade in order to save my men and hold the ground should the front line give way, which it gave symptoms of doing, the firing on our front and right flank being very heavy. After remaining here a few minutes we advanced to the crest of a small ridge in our front. While lying here I was ordered by Lieutenant Stevens to advance the Twenty-first Illinois. I immediately did so, and when almost on the front line I was ordered to retire by Colonel Kirby, commanding First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps. This movement was executed without disorder or trouble. We remained in the second line until morning, throwing up light works during the night, the enemy in the latter part of the engagement pouring a very heavy fire of artillery and musketry into the thicket where we lay, but their shots
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 182 (search)
enemy hold a very strong position in our front, ravines and open fields.between us, and he is posted on a strong series of ridges, with well-constructed breast-works and artillery, with direct and enfilading fires. General Hooker's advance did not commence until after 12 m. During the mean time fire of sharpshooters, skirmishers, and of artillery was kept up all along our line. 1 p. m., sent word to Major-General Hooker, by Colonel Asmussen, his assistant inspectorgeneral, and also by Captain Stevens, of General Stanley's staff, to call on this corps for re-enforcements whenever he wished them. 1.10 p. in., sent word by a staff officer to division commanders that Hooker was ascending the hill he was to storm on our left, and that they must now push ahead and press the enemy. 2.20, Colonel Asmussen reported that General Hooker had secured a lodgment on the ridge, and that he wished the Fourth Corps to make a demonstration and he would advance along it. A demonstration was made alon
ch, N. J. In 1775, Richard Howell was captain of the Fifth Company, Second Battalion, in the first establishment of the New Jersey line. November, 1775.--The battalion was placed in garrison on the Highlands, on the Hudson. February, 1776.-He accompanied his battalion to Canada, in the expedition against Quebec, and his company fired the first gun on the plains of Abraham. September, 1776.-Appointed Major, Second Regiment, New Jersey troops, General Maxwell's brigade, Major-General Stevens's division. Major Howell participated in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, with such marked distinction as to merit and receive the commendation of General Washington. The day before the battle of Monmouth Major Howell had leave of absence to visit his dying twin brother, Surgeon Lewis Howell; but the unexpectedly near approach of the armies led him to remain and, prepared for his journey as he was, in citizen's clothes, to fight in the ranks as a private.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The peace Commission.-letter from Ex-President Davis. (search)
he possibility of such a result was pointed out by you, I at once abandoned all dissent from the proposed amendment. The above is, I believe, a perfectly accurate statement of what occurred; but human memory is fallible, and after a lapse of twelve years of a very busy life it is just possible that I may have omitted, but I certainly have not misstated any thing. Yours, ever faithfully, (Signed) J. P. Benjamin. Draft of instructions prepared by the Secretary of State for Messrs. Stevens, Hunter and Campbell. [Copy.]Washington, January 13, 1865. F. P. Blair; Esq.: Sir: You having shown me Mr. Davis' letter to you of the 12th instant, you may say to him that I have constantly been, am now, and shall continue ready to receive any agent whom he or any other influential person now resisting the national authority may send to me with the view of securing peace to the people of our one common country. Yours, &c., (Signed) A. Lincoln. Richmond, January 28th,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
moved with the steadiness and precision of parade. He further says: As the rebels came within range, Howard's infantry, who had lain completely protected by the stone wall, poured in volley after volley, sweeping down the charging host. But that resolute body of men believed themselves invincible, and now, with the eyes of both armies upon them, they would not break so long as any were left to go forward. The stone walls were passed at a bound, and when once among the Union men, Stevens was obliged to cease firing for fear of killing friend and foe alike, and Weiderick was unable to withstand the shock, his supports and his own men being swept back with a whirlwind's force. The two brigades, one of Louisianians and the other North Carolinians, continued to ascend the hill while a blaze of fire covered its face, until they reached the enemy's works and entered them. While fighting for the possession of the guns in the enemy's works, a brigade and three regiments were b