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d to start on short notice. If we make a countermove, I will go out myself with a large force, and take such a route as will supply us, and at the same time make Hood recall the whole or part of his army. Thomas had now arrived in Chattanooga, and on the 30th of September, Sherman said to him: There is no doubt some of Hood's infantry is across the Chattahoochee, but I don't think his whole army is across. If he moves his whole force to Blue Mountain, you watch him from the direction of Stevenson, and I will do the same from Rome, and as soon as all things are ready, I will take advantage of his opening to me all of Georgia. Blue Mountain was at this time the terminus of the Selma and Talladega railroad, about sixty miles south-west of Rome; and as Hood had now abandoned the Macon and West Point roads, this was the nearest point at which he could connect with the few remaining railroads in the South-West. He must either move towards Blue Mountain, or to the Tennessee river, o
one hundred and fifty miles from the Memphis and Charleston road, along which the points of importance are Chattanooga, Stevenson, Huntsville, Decatur, Tuscumbia, and Corinth; the last-named place being at the junction with the road leading into Miswait before giving orders for repairs. On the 10th, he ordered: Collect all your command at some converging place, say Stevenson. ... Call on all troops within your reach. Orders to this effect were given to Thomas the same day, but that officer prnessee in force, abandon all minor points, and concentrate at some point where you cover the road from Murfreesboroa to Stevenson. These instructions were identical with those that Grant had given two weeks before. But Thomas abandoned nothing. Hron's brigade, about 1,200. The balance of my command was distributed along the railroad, and posted at Murfreesboroa, Stevenson, Bridgeport, Huntsville, Decatur, and Chattanooga, to keep open communications and hold the posts above named, if attac
ave two ironclads here with several gunboats, and Commander Fitch assures me Hood can neither cross Cumberland river, nor blockade it. I therefore think it best to wait here until Wilson equips all his cavalry. If Hood attacks me here, he will be more seriously damaged than yesterday. If he remains until Wilson gets equipments, I can whip him, and will move against him at once. I have Murfreesboroa strongly held, and therefore feel easy in regard to its safety. Chattanooga, Bridgeport, Stevenson, and Elk river bridge have also been strongly garrisoned. This determination of Thomas to remain on the defensive, after a victory, was in direct opposition to both the judgment and instincts of Grant. He preferred to take advantage of Schofield's success, and to press the enemy at once with the reinforced army, before the influence of defeat was gone. At eleven A. M. on the morning of the 2nd, he telegraphed: If Hood is permitted to remain quietly about Nashville, you will lose all t