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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
E. A. Black, Miss E. S. Hinckley, Charles E. Larkin, David H. Brown. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, J. Edson young, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Walter F. Cushing, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic Photographs and Portraits. Will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Members. [Those marked with a star (*) are life members.] Allen, Edward F. Allen, ard S. Russell, Mrs. Cora L. Sampson, George T. Sampson, Miss Ellen R. Sargent, Miss Mary E. Shultis, Mark. Shultis, Mrs. Kate D. Spinney, Frank T. Stetson, George W. Stickney, Allison M. Stickney, Mrs. Allison M. Stone, Miss Katherine H. Street, John D. Swan, Charles H. Swift, Miss Caroline E. Symmes, Miss Amelia M. Teele, Edward W. Thompson, Wm. A. Wait, William Cushing. Wait, Francis A. Wait, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Sarah H.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
ss. Historic Sites. Lorin L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing. will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Miss E. L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer. Genealogy. Allston P. Joyce, Miss E. A. Black, Miss E. S. Hinckley, Wm. I. Parker, Charles E. Larkin, Miss Hettie F. Wait. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. J. Edson young, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Walter F. Cushing, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Joseph H. Wheeler, Cleopas B. Johnson, Benj. F. Fenton. Historic Photographs and Portraits. Will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Members. Number previously reported, 192. Alden, Miss E. L. Bissell, Hezekiah. Broderson, N. H. Davis, Miss E. A. Fernald, Mrs. M. T. Fitch, Arthur E. Fitch, Mrs. A. E. Gill, Miss Adeline B. Hatch, George S. Hobbs, Lewis F. Hobbs, Mrs. Victoria B. Litchfield, Parker R. Locke, E. F.
. 2. Miss Mary E. Sargent. November 16.—The Development of a New England Town. Charles M. Ludden, Esq. December 21.—The Spark that Kindled the Revolution. Charles G. Chick, Esq., president of Hyde Park Historical Society. January 18.—Some Old Medford Houses and Estates. Published in current number of Register. Illustrated. Mr. John H. Hooper. February 15.—Old-Time Furniture. Illustrated. Mr. H. M. Begien. March 21.—(Annual Meeting.) The Old South Historical Society. Miss Katherine H. Stone. April 18.—Meeting-House Brook and the Second Meeting-House. Illustrated. Mr. F. H. C. Woolley. May 16.—West Medford in 1870. Mr. Moses W. Mann. Saturday evening course. December 5.—Ancient and Modern Middlesex. Hon. Levi S. Gould, of Melrose. February 6.—The Trial of Rebecca Nourse from its legal and historical standpoints. Marshall P. Thompson, Esq., of Boston. March 5.—West Medford, 1855 to 1860. Mr. Arthur G. Smith, of Malden. April 2.—Scotch
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Jr. Ernest B. Moore. Grace M. Moore. Warren T. Morse. Frances W. McGill. Frank L. Mason. Thomas H. Norton. Winthrop I. Nottage. Joseph E. Ober. George W. Parsons. Joseph W. Phinney. Life Member. Priscilla C. Phinney. Melvin W. Pierce. S. U. Prescott. Life Member. Edward S. Randall. George H. Remele. Thomas C. Richards, Rev. Percy W. Richardson. Harriet J. Russell. William J. Reilly. Mary E. Reilly. Walter E. Richardson. Elisha J. Sampson. George T. Sampson. Henry E. Scott. Harriet A. C. Scott. Herbert F. Staples. Henry P. Stanwood. Emeline M. Stearns. Katherine H. Stone. Amelia M. Symmes. Charles S. Taylor. Lizzie E. Taylor. Abby E. Teel. Charles H. Tinkham. Leonard Tufts. Life Member. Frank G. Volpe. Hendrik Vossema, Rev. William Cushing Wait. Life Member. Mary L. Washburn. Helen T. Wild. E. Josephine Wilcox. J. D. P. Wingate. Helen Wingate. William H. Winkley Irwin O. Wright. Life Member. Christine Warner.
dshire railway, in the Kibblestone quarter of Stone parish, Stone division of the county, South Pirehill hundred, Stone unionStone union, petty sessional division and county court district, on the road from Stone to Newcastle. Divine service is held every SundStone to Newcastle. Divine service is held every Sunday afternoon in the school by the vicar of Christ Church, Stone. Meaford Hall, on the east side of the Trent, is the seat ofStone. Meaford Hall, on the east side of the Trent, is the seat of Lieut.-Col. William Swinfen W. Parker-Jervis, D. S. O., and has been in the possession of the Jervis family for several gene population is included in Stone parish. Letters through Stone, by messenger, and Stone is the nearest money order and telStone is the nearest money order and telegraph office. The children of this place attend the school at Stone. We regret that we cannot in this issue present tStone. We regret that we cannot in this issue present the beautiful views mentioned, but hope to in the near future. By the above it will be seen that the English Medford, now c outlying village or hamlet adjoining the town (or city) of Stone, being counted in its census return and served by its post