Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for E. H. Stoughton or search for E. H. Stoughton in all documents.

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night, in charge of Lt. McClellan, Included in the number (the whole amounting to 29) were E. H. Stoughton, Brigadier-General of the 2d brigade, Casy's division; A. Barker, Captain of company L, 5thner an Austrian Baren; P. Pratt, a private in company P. 16th Vermont reg't, and Orderly for Gen. Stoughton--The prisoners were taken in custody on the night of March 9th, in or near Fairfax Court Houf one of them, deserves the highest praise — Most of the twenty-nine men captured, including Gen. Stoughton, an aristocratic specimen of Yankee manhood, with a profusion of gold lace on his coat, werein bed, and were, therefore, incapable of offering any resistance, had they been so inclined. Stoughton occupied as his headquarters a spacious dwelling a few hundred feet from the village of Fairfaear out, he would order him under arrest for an insult to his Commanding General. Mosby asked Stoughton if he knew "Mosby, of Lee's cavalry. " "Yes." replied the Irate Yankee, "have we caught the s