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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 26 4 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Archibald Stuart or search for Archibald Stuart in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.3 (search)
ad fought his last fight, and was making ready to doff the habiliments of earthly command, a successor for that field it was the glory of the cavalry to furnish — a successor, who, as we heard in the capitol to-night, with the very ring of the fallen hero's metal, ordered the men, when ammunition had failed, to hold their ground with the bayonet! And thus did the spirit of the great Elijah, who was passing from the whirlwind of that battle, out of his followers' sight, rest upon Elisha, and Stuart bore the mantle of Stonewall Jackson! Among the legends of ancient Rome was one that at the battle of the Lake Regillus, the victory was due to the twin sons of thundering Jove, who were seen to ride in the fight. There be twain still with us, bearers of a name — we utter with reverence because of the illustrious dead — a name that thrilled with electric power devoted followers, drew the plaudits of the civilized world, and wrung from foes even the tribute of admiring respect — a name
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
fied and confirmed by the judgment of so able a critic, when he says: Unquestionably, one of the most attractive events in the history of modern war, is Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. While many episodes of war history so soon as brought to light, and thus divested of their legendary character, lose in interest and what may be called poetic attractiveness, this campaign of the celebrated Rebel General, conducted with such extraordinary skill, gains in interest in exact proportion to the development of our knowledge of the different elements of its skillful structure. This is but another of the many instances in which Major Scheibert has sought to put us right on the record before his people, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for his able vindication of the truth of our history. He has recently translated from our Papers Stuart's report of Gettysburg, and has written a graceful and appreciative criticism of the work of our Society, which we will publish in our next number.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Relative strength at Second Manassas. (search)
713 Hood's division, present for duty, officers and men3,852 Anderson's division, present for duty, officers and men6,117 Add-- Drayton's and Evans' brigades4,600   Total infantry taken by General Lee26,768 The cavalry, under General Stuart, consisted of two brigades under Hampton and Fitzhugh Lee. Hampton was left at Richmond, and Fitzhugh Lee's brigade, consisting of the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Virginia cavalry, accompanied the army on the Manassas campaign. The total of Stuart's force July 20th was 4,035, of which Colonel Taylor estimates that Fitzhugh Lee had 2,500. This estimate is no doubt nearly correct. The artillery taken consisted of twenty batteries (and possibly a few more). There were the four companies constituting the Washington artillery, viz: Squiers', Richardson's, Miller's and Eshleman's; the five under Colonel S. D. Lee, viz: Eubank's, Parker's, Rhett's, Jordan's and Taylor's; three attached to Hood's division, viz: Reilly's, Bach
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. (search)
d while the fight was going on, but it is reported by reliable persons, who had an opportunity of knowing, to have been forty-seven killed and one hundred and three wounded, besides five prisoners, whom we brought off. Colonel Richardson joined me on the night of the 8th instant with his brigade, consisting of the Twelfth Mississippi cavalry (Colonel Inge), Twelfth Tennessee cavalry (Lieutenant-Colonel Green), Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry (Colonel Neely), Fourteenth Tennessee cavalry (Colonel Stuart), the Reneau battery of two six-pounders (Captain Palmer), and the Buckner battery of four steel breech-loading two-pounders (Lieutenant Holt), the whole amounting to about nine hundred and fifty men. The enemy were reinforced at La Grange by the Sixth and Ninth Illinois and Third Michigan cavalry, and on the following evening (9th) the whole force, amounting to nine regiments of mounted men and nine pieces of artillery, under the command of Captain Hatch, moved out against us. At the sa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.70 (search)
and 6 days. Through five generations his ancestry is traced back to Archibald Stuart, Sr., a native of Londonderry, Ireland, but of Scotch Presbyterian parentagecould venture to join him. Removing to Augusta county, Va., about 1738, Archibald Stuart, Sr., acquired large landed estates, which he divided between his four childhese states. He died and was buried in Staunton, Va. His eldest son, the Hon. Archibald Stuart, of Patrick, the father of our general, was an officer in the war of isis. Concerning his personal character I quote the words of another: Archibald Stuart was known far and wide, both for his splendid talents and his wonderful vefully did he inherit the stern devotion to duty and principle which caused Archibald Stuart to seek refuge in the wilds of Pennsylvania, rather than endure tyranny anpower by which he could impress himself upon, and control other men. To Archibald Stuart, of Patrick, and his wife, Elizabeth Letcher Pannill, of Pittsylvania, was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
of the rest of the brigade still further to the rear. Colonel Lowe informs me that the Twenty-eighth behaved well throughout the remainder of the day, that it made two more charges under the heavy artillery firing, and was led in each by Major General Stuart. As soon as the rest of the brigade was reformed and replenished with ammunition, they were taken back into the woods to the left of the Plank road to the support of General Colquitt's command, which was then nearly out of ammunition. ard, though I advised against it. His command reached the same works, but had to retire with a similar terrible loss. The enemy was finally driven from the Chancellorsville House by the Confederates carrying the salient to our right, where General Stuart, in command of Jackson's corps, elicited loud shouts of admiration from the infantry as he in person gallantly rushed them over the works upon Hooker's retreating columns. James H. Lane, Late Brigadier-General C. S. A. The above article
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Some of the secret history of Gettysburg. (search)
Some of the secret history of Gettysburg. By Colonel Ed. A. Palfrey, of New Orleans. Owing to the generally received opinion that the battle of Gettysburg was the decisive action of our late civil war, the turning point in the great contest between the North and South, it has evoked far more comment and criticism than has any other battle during that long and bloody struggle. While the accidental, unpremeditated collision which brought on the fight, the unfortunate absence of Stuart's cavalry, the failure of Ewell to attack Cemetery Heights after having whipped Reynolds' and Howard's corps and captured the town, the alleged sluggishness displayed by Longstreet in bringing his troops on the field, the want of prompt and harmonious co-operation between the corps and division commanders of the Confederate army in attacking the enemy, the comparative numbers engaged on either side, have all been the themes of elaborate discussion and somewhat acrimonious criticism; there is a circums
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee to the rear. (search)
nd that most glorious leader rises before my mind, I think that surely Never hand waved sword from stain so free, Nor purer sword led a braver band, Nor braver bled for a fairer land, Nor fairer land had a cause so grand, Nor cause a chief like Lee. We go, comrades, to drop a flower upon the graves of those who represent to us the gallant dead of that army. From the cavalry, the artillery, and the infantry, 'tis not our privilege to place the tribute of devotion on the graves of our Stuart, our Pelham, or our Jackson, or even, perhaps, upon the humble mound of that comrade best beloved to each, but others of our brotherhood will drop the tear and strew the graves where tender hands have gathered them, and over those who lie yet where they fell, by hill and glen, and grove, will the good God spread the daisy and the buttercup, and the tender dew will drop its glistening tear. On the graves of these who rest within our charge we each will drop the flower in memory of his absent