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ncing people there are no spies about, but to remove suspicion from those who may be innocent. On Friday morning there was a cavalry brigade drill near Centreville, after which six battle flags were presented to the different regiments by Gen. Stuart. The cavalry was drawn up near the fortifications, presenting a splendid appearance to the few spectators who were fortunate enough to witness it. Riding up to each regiment, Gen Stuart, with a short and appropriate speech, presented the flagGen Stuart, with a short and appropriate speech, presented the flags to the Colonels. Each Colonel responded as he received the banner from the hand of the General, pledging himself and his men to bear it safely through all dangers, and to rally around it in the hour of battle. The ceremony lasted about an hour, after which the cavalry returned to their camp, some three miles away. I am only sorry that earlier notice had not been given, so that a larger crowd could have been present. I have just seen the paragraph in the Dispatch, of the 12th, asking me
The recent Raids of the enemy. [From the National Intelligencer.] In an article under the head of "How to Cure a Bad Matter." prompted by the rumor that in the recent raid of the insurgents on Callett's Station, in rear of General Pope's army, that officer had lost not only his private baggage, but also certain valuable papers relating to the conduct of the campaign, the New York Evening Post remarks as follows: The raid on Catlett's in the rear of Gen. Pope's army, like that of Gen Stuart around the entire rear of Gen. McClellan's position on the Chickahominy, shows that with audacity and enterprise an active enemy may easily put us to blush, and cause our commanders bitter mortification, if not serious loss. If we make light of the reported loss of Gen. Pope's papers, it is not to excuse him, who, unless his actions hitherto greatly belie his character, will be bitterly stung by what he must, as a soldier, consider as a personal and admirably delivered insult to himself.
The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1862., [Electronic resource], Confederate account of the battle of Perryville. (search)
vision, fronting Buell's army. On the evening of the 7th a portion of the right wing of the army of the Mississippi (Cheatham's division, composed of Donelson's, Stuart's, and Maney's brigades,) moved from Harrodsburg to Perryville, where they rested on their arms in line of battle till daylight. The pickets skirmished all nightired, probably for this reason, but more probably because they could not withstand the impetuous valor of our troops. About this time, probably a little earlier, Stuart's brigade moved into action in perfect order and with great coolness. The troops first engaged, worn and weary, rushed on with Stuart's men, and the rout on the Stuart's men, and the rout on the left became general. The enemy reformed their lines several times, but were no sooner restored than they were broken. The fighting was kept up till night put an end to the conflict. We had then driven the enemy from three to five miles along the whole line of the two armies. We formed our lines and remained on the
Arrival of prisoners --There arrived last night, about 7 o'clock, 55 of the prisoners captured by Gen Stuart during his recent incursion into Pennsylvania. Among the prisoners were soldiers and citizens — all of whom were lodged last night in the Libby prison.
ld position on Bolivar Heigdis, by a movement in the direction of Williamsport, and there they still remain. In the skirmish of Thursday we loss one man killed and several wounded, while the enemy's loss has not yet been ascertained, though it is thought to have been considerably more than ours. On Friday Gen. Jackson drove the enemy across the river at Williamsport; but it is impossible to find out what losses were sustained on either side. It is asserted by some who were with Gen. Stuart in his late visit to Pennsylvania, that the people were utterly terror-stricken on his approach, and offered all they possessed to be spared with life. But the magnanimous man and incomparable General had a richer boon to bestow upon them, unworthy as they are. Horses were what he went for, and horses he obtained — horses of all sizes, shapes and colors. He spared not Mynheers, neither did he forbade the dashing equine of the sleek old farmer, who loved his steed more than his country.
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], A Highly interesting Yankee account of Stuart's raid into Chambersburg — the Entrance of the rebels — their Behavior, &c. (search)
A Highly interesting Yankee account of Stuart's raid into Chambersburg — the Entrance of the rebels — their Behavior, &c. It will be recollected that most of the dispatches apprising Gov. Curtinto town, and found that the First brigade, under Gen. Hampton, had gone towards Gettysburg. General Stuart sat on his horse, in the centre of the town, surrounded by his staff, and his command was cos, leading their old horses and riding the new ones they had found in the stables hereabouts General Stuart is of medium size, has a keen eye, and wears immense sandy whiskers and mustache. His demea instances his men commenced to take private property from stores; but they were arrested by General Stuart's provost guard. In a single instance only that I have heard of did they enter a store by ias among them all the time here, and was expecting every minute to be called upon to report to Gen Stuart, but they did not seem to have time to lock after prisoners, and a luckily escaped. But from
--Tired of war. The Tribune continues to grumble — it is a free press — of the conduct of the war in the field. It quotes from a dispatch from Indianapolis in the Cincinnati Commercial, declaring that "Kirby Smith's armies have been driven between our army and the Ohio river; that an engagement is imminent; that they cannot escape," and remarks: It strikes us that the loyal public has already had "something too much of this. " Gen. McClellan on Sunday telegraphed to Washington that Stuart's cavalry, who made the bold raid into Pennsylvania, would certainly be bagged; but they weren't. We have had promise enough from Buell; where is the performance? On Wednesday, the 8th inst., he allowed a part of his army to be attacked in overwhelming force by the rebels. They were fatally repulsed, but not till they had disabled twelve honored to fifteen hundred Union soldiers, including several of our best officers. It is said that the rebel loss was larger than our's; but where is
uded two divisions of Stoneman's corps, is. In killed, 443; wounded, 3,343; missing, 1,900. There is reason to believe that the greater portion of the wounded are made prisoners. The loss in Gen. Sumner's and Hooker's grand divisions, which made the assault upon the enemy's works, cannot be fully ascertained as yet but sufficient is known to justify the assertion that our loss in killed and wounded will reach ten to twelve thousand in the battle of Saturday. During the flag of truce Gen Stuart, of the rebel army, stated that Banks's expedition had gone South but he did not seem to know exactly where. The entire army is now encamped on the same ground which they previously occupied, and are as comfortable as they can be made in shelter tents. Our army has been considerably reinforced since the battle, and no danger whatever need be apprehended in their present position. It is the opinion of military men that had we even succeeded in taking the first range of works, the
of operations along the border. About Fredericksburg everything continues quiet. The special train on the Central road which arrived in this city yesterday brought down 120 prisoners, including five officers, who were recently captured by Gen Stuart in the neighborhood of Dumfries. There are said to be from 160 to 200 still at Gordonsville, who will probably be down to-day. We understand that Gen. Stuart recently had a fight with the enemy near Eldie, London county, in which be killed a Gen. Stuart recently had a fight with the enemy near Eldie, London county, in which be killed a number of the enemy and took some two hundred prisoners. There were none killed on our side. In his round he has been within twelve miles of Alexandria. Recent intelligence from Chesapeake Bay represent that large numbers of the enemy's transports, believed to be about 200, are in those waters.--What their purpose is, we are only left to conjecture. Four Federal steamers came up the York river a day or two ago, but soon returned without accomplishing anything. The Rockingham Registe
Prisoners of War. --Seventy-one prisoners of war, nineteen Yankee sutlers, and one negro, were brought from Gordonsville on yesterday, via Central railroad, and lodged in the Libby prison. They were captured at Dumfries, on the 27th December, by Gen. Stuart's cavalry. Among the prisoners were Paul Berks, 2d Lieut. Co. G, 1st Md. Cavalry, and John H. Claybourne, 1st Lieut. 12th Illinois cavalry. Two hundred are expected to day from Gordonsville.