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d are desirous to express and record their sense of peculiar obligation in an emphatic and a permanent manner: Therefore, be it. Resolved, That the Council of the city of Richmond, in behalf of the citizens thereof, tender to the family of Gen Stuart their deepest and most heartfelt condolence, and earnestly request that the remains of their great benefactor may be permitted to remain under the eye and guardianship of the people of Richmond, and that they may be allowed to commemorate by a suitable monument their gratitude and his services. Resolved, That the President of the Council communicate a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions to the widow of Gen Stuart, and if the request of the Council shall meet with her approbation, that a committee of three members be appointed, whose duty it shall be to report a design for a suitable monument and inscription, to some future meeting of this body. Messrs. Randolph, Denoon and Hill were appointed a committee to carry
ia brigade of Brig Gen J M Jones. The enemy attacked this point of the line most furiously. The brigade of Jones broke and gave back. The enemy at once pressed in and over our breastworks, causing the two other brigades of Johnson's division — Stuart's and the Stonewall, under the gallant Hayes —— to fall rapidly back. Just at this moment Major Gen Ed Johnson rode up to his line. Considerable confusion had by this time ensued, and in obedience to the suggestion of his aid he dismounted, was dismounted he ran hastily to one of the guns of Cutshaw's artillery, in order to fire it upon the enemy; before, however, he had succeeded the enemy had closed thickly around him and he was a prisoner in their hands, as was also Brig Gen G H Stuart of the Maryland line, with some twenty five hundred officers and men from this division, and some twenty pieces of artillery; twelve of which were from Page's and the rest from Cutshaw's battalions. This temporary success greatly elated the Yank<