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g; such men as, in the South, the God-inspired Stuart, and later the redoubtable Fitzhugh Lee, and oool in which the methods followed by Sheridan, Stuart, Forrest, and others of their time had been remond raid in May, 1864, in the course of which Stuart met his death, and they were still on duty witned to ride under the war-guidons of Sheridan, Stuart, Buford, Pleasonton, Fitzhugh Lee, Stanley, Wideral army, with occasional skirmishing, until Stuart's arrival July 3d with the Confederate horse. H. F. Lee's brigade made the first charge for Stuart, as did the First Michigan Cavalry for Gregg. ew behind their artillery, and the danger that Stuart would strike the rear of the Union army simultrd day comprised that in which Gregg prevented Stuart from penetrating the right rear of the Union lnfederate troopers, under dashing leaders like Stuart and Wheeler, allowed the heads of the Union caon of their opponents. Major McClelland, of Stuart's staff, thus impartially summarizes the situa[3 more...]
ame fulfilled. The battle was between Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee's commands of Stuart's cavalry and Gregg's division, assisted by two brigades of Torbert's division us interview with Meade, in which the former told his senior that he could whip Stuart if allowed to do so. General Grant determined to give Sheridan the opportunity cavalry. On May 9th the expedition started with a column thirteen miles long. Stuart, however, was nothing loth to try conclusions with the Federal cavalry once morbrilliant self, and in this engagement the Confederacy lost James B. Gordon and Stuart, the leader without a peer. Farriers of the Federal cavalry. These p. M. held forth. The cavalrymen are evidently at ease. They have not yet met Stuart in the Wilderness. The quartermaster of a cavalry corps was the nearest approaph also conform to regulations. This is one of the horses and men that charged Stuart's cavalry so fiercely on the night of the third day at Gettysburg. The First M
rg, a march of nearly thirty-two miles brought Stuart and his men to Emmittsburg at about seven o'cltaught the Northern leaders many a lesson, and Stuart's two raids around McClellan's army, on the Pe The banks of the Chickahominy in 1862--when Stuart crossed it in the first great raid of the war ddenly, and impassable even by swimming. Only Stuart's promptness in tearing down a mill and buildi marched around the Union right and, joined by Stuart's cavalry, captured the immense supply-departm time the battle of Gettysburg was raging, and Stuart was causing a diversion by throwing shells neaternoon, a brigade of Federal cavalry attacked Stuart's extreme left, and he, after his fashion, hurph of 1863 appears the prize at which General J. E. B. Stuart gazed long and ardently during his reof May, and, by crossing the mountains, joined Stuart near Culpeper Court House. A little later he s brigade at the moment, A war-time view of Stuart's grave Gen'l Stuart--wounded May 11, 1864-[60 more...]
rm of the service was well-nigh incalculable. Stuart, Mosby, Forrest on one side — Sheridan, Griersll of its men were on the battle-line. It was Stuart who twice circled McClellan's army, on the Pened men. As early as June, 1862, General Jeb Stuart had demonstrated to both armies the possibilital troops for the protection of Washington. Stuart's successful raids caused some modification ofperations of the Army of Cavalry. As Stuart threatened Washington, so Kilpatrick in turn theridan the long hoped for opportunity to whip Stuart, and until the final end at Appomattox, this pestruction of Confederate property, as to draw Stuart and his cavalry away from the Union army's lonorth the sacrifice in men. But in the death of Stuart at Yellow Tavern, Sheridan had dealt a blow sen back upon Richmond; the gallant and knightly Stuart received his mortal wound, and the Union cavalge to Confederate communications, the death of Stuart, and the saving to the Union Government of the
avalry was so constantly crippled by having its strength dissipated in such details that it was unable to pursue the Confederate raiders. Before this scene, the summer and fall of 1862, Pope and Lee had been maneuvering for position along each side of the Rappahannock River. Pope had established a tete-de-pont at this railroad station, and on August 22d Longstreet feinted strongly against it in order to divert Pope's attention from Jackson's efforts to turn his right flank. Longstreet and Stuart burned the railroad bridge, and drove the Federals from the tete-de-pont, after a contest of several hours' duration. information furnished by soldier scouts served as a check upon untrustworthy civilians — sometimes employed as spies by both sides — and enabled the Union commanders to substantiate valuable information secured from prisoners, newspapers, and former slaves. As in a great many other things, the Confederate cavalry excelled in the use of trained officers as scouts — officers<
es' Mill, when they lost fifty-eight of the two hundred and twenty men who participated. With such gallant troopers on guard, the North felt reassured as to the safety of its general-in-chief. The little boy buglers, in the very forefront of the making of American history, stand with calm and professional bearing. Although but fifteen and sixteen years old, they rode with the troopers, and not less bravely. One boy of similar age was severely wounded in one of the numerous fights between Stuart and the Second United States Cavalry near Gettysburg. His captain, whom he was faithfully following, left him for dead upon the field. Many years after the young man sent the captain his photograph to prove that he was whole and sound. he bounded forward like the wind. His clear vision was not at fault, for as I flew by, I saw two men leap up in front of me from the edge of the roadway and jump into the shadows of the woods and undergrowth at one side. They said something to me, and I
tes fell rapidly back, and the headquarters of Stuart's chief of artillery, with all his papers and eetwood Ridge. Of this part of the action General Stuart's biographer says: A part of the Firstis Confederate column moving to the attack was Stuart's cavalry, which, belated by many obstacles, w advancing toward the lines of Ewell's corps. Stuart took position on a ridge, which commanded a wio prevented the success of the Confederate General Stuart's charge on the third day at Gettysburg, were deployed as dismounted skirmishers to meet Stuart's men. The Confederate cavalry leader hoped toe woods in an effort to reach the Union rear. Stuart hoped to strike at the psychological moment whmove them. The casualties were heavy for both Stuart and Gregg, but the latter was able to stop thevalry leader's critical turning movement. Had Stuart with his veteran cavalry been able to strike tsulted in the loss to the Confederates of Generals Stuart and James B. Gordon. Merritt's brigade f[3 more...]
able cavalry leaders as the so-called War of Secession. Sheridan, Stuart, Buford, Gregg, Wilson, Merritt, Fitz Lee, Pleasonton, Hampton, Lomt exploits under his leadership culminated in the death of General J. E. B. Stuart at Yellow Tavern, where the Confederates were defeated. I take from the war-ridden people Major-General James Ewell brown Stuart, C. S.A. In the hat on General Stuart's knee appears the plume wGeneral Stuart's knee appears the plume which grew to symbolize the dash and gallantry of the man himself. Plume and hat were captured, and Stuart himself narrowly escaped, at VerdieStuart himself narrowly escaped, at Verdiersville, August 17, 1862. I intend, he wrote, to make the Yankees pay for that hat. Less than a week later he captured Pope's personal baggagpicturesque and characteristic reprisal. Born in Virginia in 1833, Stuart graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1854. He saw sen distinction at Bull Run, and also the rank of brigadier-general. Stuart rode twice around the Army of the Potomac when McClellan was in com
t Brandy Station just before the strenuous campaign of the Wilderness. General Stuart's highfly The battle horse, Highfly, carried General Jeb Stuart throughStuart through many campaigns and had become his favored companion. The intelligence and faithfulness of the steed had many times borne the dashing cavalier through desperate periVerdiersville on the Plank Road between Fredericksburg and Orange, in Virginia, Stuart was stretched out upon a bench on the porch of the tavern, awaiting the arrival, leaving behind on the bench his hat, in which was a black plume, the pride of Stuart's heart. Suddenly, horsemen dashed around the bend in the road and Stuart was Stuart was within gunshot of Federal cavalry. He was nonplussed; he had expected to see Fitzhugh Lee. Mounting his faithful and speedy bay he soon left the chagrined cavalry far of cavalry horses during McClellan's retreat from the Peninsula that when General Stuart made his raid into Pennsylvania, October 11th of the same year, only eight
ries. The demand for horses was so great that in many cases they were sent on active service before recovering sufficiently from the fatigue incident to a long railway journey. In one case reported, horses were left on railroad cars fifty hours without food or water, and were then taken out, issued, and used for immediate service in the field. To such an extent had overwork and disease reduced the number of cavalry horses in the Army of the Potomac, that when the Confederate general, Stuart, made his daring raid into Pennsylvania, in October, 1862, only eight hundred Federal cavalrymen could be mounted to follow him. Of course the original mounting of the cavalry, field-artillery, and field-and staff-officers caused a great demand for suitable chargers throughout the North. The draft animals required for transportation purposes increased the scarcity of suitable horses. Furthermore, with the unexpected losses during the first years of the war came such a dearth of animals