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rounds, and prepared for an assault upon Brown's fort by the marines, Lee, under a flag by Lieutenant Stuart, made a written demand upon Brown to surrender himself, his associates and the prisoners tsident. . . . That if he is compelled to take them by force he cannot answer for their safety. Stuart was instructed to receive no counter propositions from Brown, and to say that if they accepted te expected, Brown spurned the offered terms of surrender. At a given signal to this effect from Stuart, Lee ordered forward twelve marines, led by Lieutenant Green, that he had put under cover near t in a few minutes, and the captured citizens and slaves were released. A party of marines under Stuart was then sent to the Kennedy farm, which captured pikes (said to have been over 1,000), blankets to find the alarm false. In concluding his report, Colonel Lee expressed his thanks to Lieutenants Stuart and Green and Major Russell for the aid they afforded me, and my entire commendation of th
as lacking in the disciplinary qualities which Stuart, as a trained soldier, had in such an eminent o soon became its colonel, and the other under Stuart. When on the 17th of April Virginia passed ry in observation along the Potomac, under Colonel Stuart, who, as Johnston says, had already won itound the Federals in position, as indicated by Stuart, when he directed Harper to deploy two companind 81 men of the artillery, present for duty. Stuart's cavalry had 21 officers and 313 men. At that the grade of brigadiergen-eral, and Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart to that of colonel. Capt. W. N. P this audacity and boldness, they obeyed, when Stuart, filing them off through the gap in the fence,nd discipline, but kept close to the infantry; Stuart, on the contrary, held his men far in advance lery and cavalry, under Colonels Pendleton and Stuart, and all on their way eager to reach the field him withdraw his invasion. (6) The conduct of Stuart and Jackson at Falling Waters gave satisfying [18 more...]
ls, some 15 miles above Washington, with which Stuart had combat; on the 27th and 28th skirmishes toalry occurred near Harper's Ferry; on the 4th, Stuart, with five field guns, shelled McCall's brigading that the enemy was in the act of retiring, Stuart promptly made a skillful disposition of his smion and raked the flank of the retreating foe. Stuart prudently withheld pursuit and the Federals ral confidence to the Confederate outposts which Stuart's boldness and restless activity had been keepents concerning the First Virginia cavalry, if Stuart were promoted, Genneral Johnston continues: ound which is now the scene of operations. Stuart soon became brigadier-general of cavalry, latenight to cut off the enemy at Lewinsville, but Stuart did not receive his instructions, and himself is the most brilliant part of the affair. Colonel Stuart has, I think, fairly won his claim to brigthe Potomac at Seneca creek was driven back by Stuart's cavalry pickets. On the 24th General Evans [5 more...]
ition approached Dranesville, on a similar mission. Upon discovering the presence of the enemy, Stuart sent Pitzer to keep between them and the wagons, and order the latter back, while the main bodyade of five regiments (including the Bucktails), two squadrons of cavalry and Easton's battery. Stuart took position, screening his infantry in a wood, and when the enemy came up the action was opened by an artillery combat. Then Stuart ordered forward his right wing, and the Alabama regiment rushed with a shout in a storm of bullets. Colonel Forney fell wounded, and Lieut.-Col. J. B. Martin waalso pushed forward, and a stubborn fight resulted. When the action had lasted about two hours, Stuart reported, I found that the enemy, being already in force larger than my own, was recovering fromngpan church, where the wounded were cared for. Early next morning, with two fresh regiments, Stuart returned to the field, and found that the enemy had evacuated Dranesville and left some of their
an's right flank down the north bank of the Chickahominy. Stuart, with his cavalry, was to lead Jackson's movement and thenetreat of McClellan toward his base of supplies, by having Stuart and Jackson in his rear and ready to push eastward and intleft and pressing toward Cold Harbor, his right guarded by Stuart's horsemen, at 3 p. m. Hood's Texans in the lead had a hot intentions. The morning after the battle he had hastened Stuart, followed by Ewell, who was farthest on his left, down the Chickahominy river road to Dispatch Station. Stuart spared no time in seizing the railway, damaging its track and attackine Chickahominy as they retreated toward McClellan's army. Stuart hastened after these trains loaded with ammunition and supn's base of supplies. The steadily coming messages from Stuart soon satisfied Lee that McClellan must be seeking another e, across the Chickahominy on the Williamsburg road, while Stuart watched the roads farther down leading to the peninsula.
you over our enemies at Cedar run. The country owes you and your brave officers and soldiers a deep debt of gratitude. The 10th of August was another scorching summer day. Jackson held his position in the rear of his battlefield with his skirmishers on the other side of Cedar run. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart put in an appearance during the day, having been sent forward by Lee, with the larger portion of his cavalry, to cover the right of Lee's general movement to the vicinity of Gordonsville. Stuart reconnoitered the Federal left, moving his cavalry along the eastern side of Cedar mountain and advancing his scouts well toward Culpeper. Through these, Jackson learned that Pope already had in hand 22,000 fresh troops, under Sigel and Ricketts,2,000 cavalry under Bayard, and about 5,000 that remained with Banks; a tactic force of about 30,000 in front of Jackson's 24,000, from which the casualties of the 9th had taken 1,000. When informed of Jackson's advance, on the 8th, Pope ordered Ki
to move on the 19th, but Fitz Lee's brigade of Stuart's cavalry, the leading one in the march from Rance across the Rapidan, which captured one of Stuart's staff with Lee's order of march on his persoe, still guarding the Federal rear, from which Stuart again routed him and drove him across the Rapp of a large Federal force, Rosser, by order of Stuart, recrossed. Longstreet extended Lee's line fra series of novel advances. While Jackson and Stuart were engaging the attention of Pope along the movements. During the forenoon he dispatched Stuart, with the main body of his cavalry, by concealpour that had swelled the Rappahannock, caught Stuart on the march, and he reached his objective in Jackson sent Trimble's brigade of infantry and Stuart with a portion of his cavalry, through the darst day of the Second Bull Run, or Manassas. Stuart, from Jackson's right, on the 29th, soon openeut through that, and the mud that followed it, Stuart rode in the early morning of Sunday, August 31[11 more...]
but there was no telling what Lee, Jackson and Stuart might attempt to do, and so Banks was held witt, to the vicinity of the old toll-gate, while Stuart occupied the commanding Nicodemus ridge, northad before them, in a house in Sharpsburg, when Stuart reported McClellan's advance, by the Williamsporces to meet these three threatened attacks. Stuart, with his cavalry, held the extreme left, wher within a mile of the Hagerstown turnpike. On Stuart's right was Jackson's command, with its left p roared in enfilade from across the Antietam. Stuart's cannon made reply from the Nicodemus ridge, o retire and join his retreating comrades that Stuart and Jackson's left, especially Early's unflincer church. Jackson was hastening to obey, and Stuart's guns were moved out to see what impression ct park of artillery in the Poffenberger field; Stuart intending to lead Jackson's movement with his is army through the Potomac. At the same time Stuart crossed his cavalry through the river, at a fo[5 more...]
a, Lee, on the 10th of October, dispatched the raid-loving Stuart, with 1,800 horsemen, across the Potomac at Williamsport, army of Northern Virginia and in his cavalry corps, under Stuart, to again meet this great army of the Potomac. Not satie against any attempt to turn that flank of Lee's army. Stuart's cavalry hovered on the plain in advance of Jackson's rigf the railway. Eagerly watching Meade's forward movement, Stuart could not resist the temptation to give it a raking enfilaovement on Lee's right had been discomfited by Jackson and Stuart, while the assaults on Lee's left, intended to relieve theral left, and just at the close of day of the 14th, he and Stuart opened a fierce artillery fire on Franklin along the line empt to move on Richmond. This was promptly reported, and Stuart, followed by Jackson, marched to meet it. It was soon learf Banks' ford, above Fredericksburg. Later in December, Stuart made a cavalry reconnoissance around Burnside's right and
he winter of 1862-63 and early spring of 1863, Stuart, by frequent raids across the Rappahannock, keenemy. After the battle of Fredericksburg, Stuart's cavalry corps held the line of the Rappahann person, with four regiments of cavalry, under Stuart and Fitz Lee, protecting his flanks. Sickles,ht. Six guns of Beckham's horse artillery, of Stuart's corps, galloped at even pace, along the turnake the responsibility, and upon consultation, Stuart, who was guarding the rear against the Federalis hardy veterans to victory than fearless Jeb Stuart, and with the rising of the sun he promptly orl up the line of interval between his left and Stuart's right. During the night of the 2d, Hookerupport either wing. Facing Hooker's right was Stuart with the 20,000 veterans of the Second corps oville plateau. As the light of day increased, Stuart's quick military eye detected the advantages oany definite plan of defense. By 10 o'clock Stuart had broken through the Federal lines on the we[14 more...]