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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
e horse-shoe made by the Potomac river, the toe of the shoe being at Williamsport. Company E of Stuart's cavalry captured at this skirmish about forty prisoners, and lost one man, Zack Johnson, mortaof cavalry, and it soon became known that this small army was under the command of General Jeb. Stuart. We supposed, naturally, that he was after some of his fun, which meant damage to the enemy some lands east of it. The cavalry crossed the river at the ford, under the immediate command of General Stuart, and was seen moving eastward till it was concealed by a body of timber. The infantry also n, which, as well as those who were at a distance could make out, was discharged by order of General Stuart in person, for the amusement of some ladies who were near the gun with him. The gun was poinhich was not pleasant. The infantry were not in sight, and however great our admiration for General Stuart and his cavalry was, artillerymen felt much more comfortable when infantry were known to be
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Donaldsonville artillery at the battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
s with his presence and his words, the Donaldsonville Artillery owes much of the honor which this action added to its name. After all, history and official reports to the contrary notwithstanding, we did not dislodge that enemy, who only hugged the ground more closely and stole away after dark. If we did not succeed, we had the satisfaction of having tried. R. Prosper Landry. J. E. B. Stuart. [from the Rockbridge county news, November 28, 1895.] [The following tribute to General Stuart appeared in the London Index soon after his death. It is republished now in the County News, by request, from a copy of the original paper.] Since the death of Stonewall Jackson, the Confederacy has sustained no heavier loss than has befallen her in the untimely close of the brilliant career of Major-General James E. B. Stuart. No two men could have been more opposite types of the soldier—Jackson, the earnest, devoted patriot, taking up arms as a last resort, clinging, even on the e
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Events leading up to the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
expected. The letter of General Lee to General Stuart, however, shows that when it was written G that General Lee assumed would be made by General Stuart was to cross into Maryland, and put himselinformation, etc. You will see that whether Stuart should cross the Potomac at Shepherdstown, as he same conditions annexed to the order of General Stuart, as I have shown. In any case, General Stions. So, that, under this instruction, General Stuart was practically instructed not to cross thThere is no such letter as is mentioned by General Stuart contained in the book, in which are found entered Maryland. The report states that General Stuart, on reaching the Maryland side, ascertaine communicating the order of General Lee to General Stuart that the latter should pass by the enemy'sve that General Longstreet's suggestion to General Stuart was qualified, as was General Lee's letterders of General Lee, and from the tenor of General Stuart's report it would seem that he entirely mi[62 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
M.) he again writes Ewell: I also directed General Stuart, should the enemy have so far retired fromse to cross the Potomac. During the time that Stuart was defending the gaps on account of the presemmittsburg route, another by Chambersburg. Stuart is here given discretion as to the route he shed and called the Memoirs of General Lee, that Stuart was ordered to march on the flank of the colum time. Neither would Longstreet have ordered Stuart to remain with him, knowing that General Lee had ordered him to Ewell. All of Stuart's critics have ignored the fact that General Lee ordered StuStuart to leave him and go to Ewell. General Longstreet wrote as follows to General Lee: June 22, 1received. I have forwarded your letter to General Stuart, with the suggestion that he pass by the eutenant-General, Commanding. Longstreet to Stuart. In the correspondence during this period between Lee, Longstreet, and Stuart this is the first intimation about taking the route in the rear o[9 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
daylight of the day before the second battle of Manassas, I was ordered to report to General T. J. Jackson, with a detail of one hundred men for special duty. Upon arrival at the headquarters and making myself known by presenting the order of General J. E. B. Stuart, General Jackson told me to come with him, and rode some fifty or one hundred yards from his staff, turned towards me and halted. Then he said, Captain, do you ever use liquors? I replied, No, sir. He then said: I sent to General Stuart to send me a special detail of one hundred men under command of an officer who never used spirituous liquors. Are you that man? I said, Yes, sir; I was detailed on that account. Well, sir, I have an order to give, upon the full and exact execution of which depends the success of the present movement, and the result of the battle soon to be fought. Can I trust you to execute that order? I replied that if to keep sober was all that was needful he could rely upon my obedience. H