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Yankee civilians captured, acting in conjunction with their grand army, do not receive the backlit of the exchange recently agreed on between the two Governments, ours having determined to hold on to them as hostages, in consequence of the infamous orders of Pope and Steinwehr. S. S. Mann, a very intelligent Yankee, the sutler of the 16th Massachusetts, captured in the brilliant cavalry dash made by Gen. Stuart, has been paroled for sixty days to go North and negotiate an exchange of himself for Judge Geo. W. Thompson, a citizen of Wheeling, recently seized by the Yankees for disloyalty, and a Yankee sutler named Everlith, now here, for Samuel Price, Esq, a leading lawyer of Greenbrier, member of the late Convention, seized by the Yankees during one of their recent raids in that vicinity. The son of Mann, (who is a wealthy citizen of Boston,) now also here, will be offered in exchange for Mr. Lyon, a son-in-law of Mr. Norris, a leading lawyer of Baltimore, who fled from that p
The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], Stuart cavalry Again in the enemy rear. (search)
Stuart cavalry Again in the enemy rear. The train which arrived at the Central depot last evening from Hanover Court-House brought 96 Federal soldiers and 16 negroes, captured by Stuart's cavalrStuart's cavalry, on Wednesday, at Massaponox Church, eight miles this side of Fredericksburg. The prisoners are mostly from Indiana, though there are some from the 20th, 21st, 33d, and 33d New York infantry. Thercount of this bold and successful expedition, which we append: On last Monday morning Major-Gen. Stuart, with detachment of his division, consisting of the 2d brigade, composed of the 3d, 4th, 5nd that there were 20,000 men in the place. After remaining at the church for four hours Gen. Stuart proceeded down the road for some distance, but finding the enemy making a heavy demonstrationn mortally and two seriously wounded. The 1st Virginia cavalry was operating on the front while Stuart was in the rear, communication between the two commands being kept up by bold horsemen, who knew
The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], Movements of the enemy on the South side of James river. (search)
The population of the C. S. prison was increased last night about 8 o'clock, by the addition of 96 Yankees and 15 contrabands, taken by Stuart's cavalry, below Fredericksburg, on Wednesday. Before the arrival of the above the following had been received: John Galiagher, F company, 2d N. Y.; Wm. Casey, G, 20th Mass.; E. McMinis, E, 34th N. Y.; Wan. H. Davis, D, 42d N. Y.; Albert Berdy, H, 6th U. S. cavalry. The two first named were taken at Bottom's bridge, and the last three at Malvern Hill.