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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Department (search)
rate departments, embracing messages of the President and Heads of Departments, reports of battles, statutes at large of Congress, acts and resolutions of the Senate and House of Representatives; general orders of the Adjutant-General's department, and a large collection of reports of the several State governments. We have in Mss. a full set of reports of Longstreet's corps; all of Ewell's reports from the opening of the campaign of ‘63 to the close of the war; all of the papers of General J. E. B. Stuart; a full set of the papers of General S. D. Lee's corps, and a large number of most valuable reports of other officers of the different armies of the Confederacy. We have a complete set of the reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War to the United States Congress, which embraces testimony of the leading Federal generals on nearly every one of their campaigns and battles; and we have also a number of other Federal official reports, and are arranging to get the whole of them
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
say now that the author seems to have bestowed on it a great deal of labor, and has produced a book of historic value which will be widely read. It was not remarkable, perhaps, that Federal commanders during the war should have so egregiously overestimated our numbers; but it is entirely inexcusable that a historian at this day (with easy access to the official reports of the Confederate generals) should commit the same blunders. Mr. Bates puts Hill's corps at Fredericksburg at 30,000 men, Stuart's cavalry at Brandy Station at 12,000, the force which environed Milroy at Winchester at 60,000, and General Lee's entire force at Gettysburg at 107,000 men. Now the truth is that these figures are most inexcusable exaggerations. General Lee's entire force at Gettysburg was not quite 57,000 men. Ah! if our grand old chieftan had commanded the numbers which Northern generals and Northern writers attribute to him, then the story of Gettysburg and of the war would have been far different.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.12 (search)
autiful tribute to his old commander, General J. E. B. Stuart: Brother Confederates--I hope I mauage of General Johnston, to the Indefatigable Stuart. To-day, comrades, I visited his grave. Heb marks the spot, upon which is inscribed--General Stuart, wounded May 11th, 1864; died May 12th, 1864. And there rests poor J. E. B. Stuart, It was in 1852 I first knew him, the date of my entryof Custis Lee's, Pegram's and Pender's. Beauty Stuart he was then universally called, for however mao senior Captains Van Dorn and Kirby Smith. Stuart served with much distinction as a United Statesession of the engine-house at Harper's Ferry, Stuart was in or near Washington on leave of absence,me at the North delighted to call him. J. E. B. Stuart's duties began in the late war in the Valment upon that expedition, and know that after Stuart found himself in rear of the Federal right, hithat Harry of Navarre was present, except that Stuart's plume was black; for everywhere, like Navarr
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of Bates' battle of Gettysburg. (search)
y compared notes every night, and if their counts differed, they were satisfactorily adjusted by compromise. In round numbers, Lee had 91,000 infantry and 280 pieces of artillery; marching with that column were about 6,000 cavalry. He adds that Stuart's cavalry, which crossed the Potomac at Seneca, numbered about 5,000 men. Such information as this may have been useful to a commander before a battle, who was very anxious not to underrate his enemy, but is altogether valueless to the historianhad upon the field in the neighborhood of 76,300. General Lee had crossed the Potomac but ten days before; had marched unopposed and at his leisure through a hostile country into central Pennsylvania; had concentrated his entire force — except Stuart's cavalry (which did not cross the Potomac with the main army) and Imboden's small command — at Gettysburg; and yet under these circumstances was, according to Dr. Bates, able to thinks the Confederate commander lost the use of over 20,000 men in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
. Hill, 10,000; Magruder, 13,000; Holmes, 6,573; Huger, 8,930; A. P. Hill, 13,000; Whiting, 4,000; Lawton, 3,500; Jackson and Ewell, 8,000. Aggregate, 76,054. Stuart had six regiments of cavalry, two small commands called Legions, and there were five companies of the First North Carolina cavalry. One of the regiments is shown istead gives only a partial statement of his loss — taking it at 450 and we will have the loss in Huger's division 2,129. The loss in Holmes' division was 51, in Stuart's cavalry 71, and in the reserve artillery 44. The whole loss sums up as follows: Longstreet's division, 4,429; A. P. Hill's division, 3,870; Huger's division, 2,129; Jackson's command, 6,727; Magruder's command, 2,236; Holmes' division, 51; Stuart's cavalry, 71; reserve artillery, 44. Total, 19,557. Mr. Swinton, the author of the History of the army of the Potomac, examined the Confederate returns in the Archive Office at Washington, and in June, 1876, published an abstract from them
e, namely: Eleventh, Second, and Thirteenth Mississippi; Seventh and Eighth Georgia ; Seventh Louisiana; Sixth North-Carolina; Fourth Alabama; Tenth, Seventeenth, Fourth, Fifth, Twenty-seventh, Forty-third, Eighteenth, and Twenty-eighth Virginia; Stuart's Cavalry, and Hampton's Legion; Fourth, Second, and Eighth South-Carolina; Third Tennessee; First Maryland, etc. When the order was given to advance, couriers were sent to our right, with instructions for Longstreet, Jones, and Ewell to makee them again, until at last their line, thousands in number, sought safety in sudden flight. The landscape was darkened by their fugitive masses flying in all directions, and pursued by the half-wild victors. The pursuit was the business of Stuart's cavalry, aided by artillery, and the scene that ensued was awful and heartrending. Ten miles from Centreville Heights, these fugitive thousands rushed across Bull Run by the various fords, and horse, foot, artillery, wagons, and ambulances wer
o camp with booty and prisoners sketch of General Stuart affair at Drainsville General Joe Johnst roads, etc. Unknown to any, Brigadier-General J. E. B. Stuart received orders and prepared a sght would be inevitable. Rising with the sun, Stuart, with his fourteen hundred men, dashed along tere found here and in a neighboring camp, and Stuart and his men dashed forward on his equestrian eptains of dragoons,) who had volunteer. ed on Stuart's staff. The fight lasted about ten minutes, same route, on the right of McClellan's lines, Stuart determined to make the grand tour, and find his of the Chickahominy. No bridges being near, Stuart swam his horse across, and all followed save te discovered in great force near Drainsville. Stuart's wagons rapidly retreated, and the fight was but, owing to incapacity or want of foresight, Stuart found himself outflanked, and subjected to ambm, and he was mud-splashed from head to hoof. Stuart himself wore no insignia of command: a common [12 more...]
Chapter 35: Retrospect additional particulars from one of Stuart's cavalry capture of depots and stores during the action public feeling at Richmond McClellan begins his retreat to then the clattering of hoofs behind induced me to turn, and I saw it was an old friend attached to Stuart's cavalry, who had participated in all the adventures of his dashing chief. His news interested cut off the Federal communication with their depots on the Pamunkey and the head of York River, Stuart had been ordered to advance rapidly and secure whatever was possible ere the enemy had time to dning. As Porter was not then defeated, the order had not arrived for their destruction, so that Stuart captured scores of horses, wagons, ambulances, and immense supplies of every kind, besides severweapons, and several cannon fell into our hands. Having properly secured all these invaluables, Stuart destroyed half a dozen schooners, having first seized the cargoes; several others slipped cables
arms, half-a-dozen flags, drums, full sets of brass instruments, thousands of tons of stores and ammunition; hundreds of wagons, caissons, horses, mules, tents; several fine locomotives, carriages, and freight cars; immense supplies of medicines, clothing, and shoes; important private and public papers, harness, fodder, and a thousand other things too numerous to mention. All these things we know, added Dobbs, from ocular proof! How much more fell into our hands can only be learned from Stuart and other cavalry leaders, who have been scouring the whole country for weeks, and adding to the list every day. But what were the total of both armies prior to the week's operations-can any one tell? I may form a correct idea, said Frank. During the battle of Gaines's Mills, I was sent across the Chickahominy to Magruder's quarters at Garnett's Farm-almost in a direct line with the battle-field. President Davis, and many others, sat on the portico, observing the progress of the fight
the part of the enemy to occupy the battle-field and despoil it of our valuable booty. This was our first surmise; but when it was ascertained that squadrons of Stuart's cavalry were also in motion, it was certain that some dashing achievement was in contemplation. It was like watching a succession of scenes on the stage. As to our position and number. During the truce many officers of both armies met and conversed upon the field, and all seemed animated with the best of feeling. General Stuart was among the first to mount his horse to trot over the field; and while engaged in conversation, up rode his old companion in arms, Brigadier-General Hartsuff, of the Federal cavalry, and politely saluting him, jocularly remarked: Hallo Stuart, my boy, how goes it? who'd a thought of such changes within so short a time? I was over you once, you know; now you're a full major-general, and I but a simple brigadier. It cannot be denied that much bravery had been displayed by both arm