Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Summers or search for Summers in all documents.

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Sharp, Sheffey, Sillington, Southall, Spurlock, Staples, Alex. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, , Tarr, Taylor, Tyler, Waller, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, Wilson, and Wysor--92. So the colored57,579 Slaves490,887 Total1,596,079 The report of the Peace Commissioners. Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, moved that the report of the Commissioners to the Peace Conference be taken up fl Relations. The motion was carried in the affirmative, and the report was taken up. Mr. Summers, as one of the Commissioners to the Peace Conference, desired to give his views of the proposn equal chance in the future acquisition of territory. [This point was elaborately argued by Mr. Summers, but we do not desire to impair the effect of his positions by giving a partial report.] All rivileges, and infinitely better in regard to that which may be before us in the future. Mr. Summers continued his argument at some length on other branches of the proposition, but without concl
The Convention. A resolution of thanks to the Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, for his patriotic efforts in behalf of the country, was adopted yesterday by a large majority. Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, commenced a speech in defence of the Peace Conference propositions, and will conclude to-day. Two more minority reports from the Committee on Federal Relations were submitted; one by Mr. Baldwin, of Augusta, and the other by Mr. Wickham, of Henrico. They will be found in the regular proceedings.