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n Western Virginia were indissolubly connected with the border non-slaveholding States. Mr.Summers said that the gentleman from Princess Anne had not uttered a word in favor of his amendment, bu had confined his remarks exclusively to a reply to those submitted by himself on yesterday. Mr. Summers did not intend to discriminate between the interests of particular sections of the State, buthis objections to Mr. Wise's amendment. Mr.Wise, in reply, criticized the position which Mr. Summers was assuming when the expiration of his allotted time compelled him to stop — namely, that thPorter, Price, Pugh, Robert E Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Southall, Spurlock. Chapman J. Stuart, Summers. Tarr, Taylor, White, Whitfield, Wickham, and Willey.--74. Mr.Wilson, of Harrison, said hedment, for it came within the purview of the position assumed by the gentleman from Kanawha, (Mr. Summers.) He (Mr. Wise) was in favor of the white basis here at home, but when we go into a Congress,