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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 40: social relations and incidents of Cabinet life, 1853-57. (search)
s morals, intaglios, the Platonian theory, and once gave me quite an interesting resume of the history of dancing. Mr. George Sumner, who was rather a short man and thick-set, also spent part of the winter in the city upon his return from the CrimeHow did you guide them? said General Emory. By my foot touching them first one side or the other on the nose, answered Mr. Sumner. General Emory took out a pencil and made a calculation, and after Mr. Sumner had passed to other subjects, the GeneralMr. Sumner had passed to other subjects, the General interjected suddenly the remark, According to my calculation, your leg must be nine feet long to guide a camel as you did. Mr. Sumner made no response. He had a large collection of field maps made in the Crimea, and traced the course of the differMr. Sumner made no response. He had a large collection of field maps made in the Crimea, and traced the course of the different battles in a very interesting manner with little tin flags. At midsummer we took a house two or three miles out of town, and spent the heated term there, so that I could be near my husband, who was far from robust. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce us
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), A New Laughing-stock. (search)
ight have been made. Unfortunately, his guide took him to the Music Hall. Unfortunately, Mr. George Sumner was the Orator of the Day. Unfortunately, Mr. George Sumner did not know that the New OrleMr. George Sumner did not know that the New Orleans gentleman was in the house, and so missed the opportunity of gratifying an illustrious personage. Unfortunately, Mr. Sumner, instead of spouting in a safe and general way, after the old fashion,Mr. Sumner, instead of spouting in a safe and general way, after the old fashion, discussed freely and earnestly the Dred Scott decision, and did not speak in very affectionate terms of Mr. Chief Justice Taney. To this, General Palfrey was obliged to listen. His too officious frress would have been difficult; and pleased or displeased, he was compelled to stay. If Mr. George Sumner had been speaking in New Orleans, or even in Washington, the General might have silenced hn for the purpose of hearing the laws of the United States trampled under foot. He considered Mr. Sumner's oration ill-timed, and he was not afraid to say so. Of course he was not afraid. He knew h
persons standing by his bedside. His brother George Sumner soon came to Washington, and, in conve brother of the wounded senator. As soon as Mr. Sumner was able, he gave, while lying in his bed, ttered or not. On the cross-examination of Mr. Sumner, he stated that he was entirely without armss assault. In answer to a cross-question, Mr. Sumner replied that what he had said of Mr. Butler break through. The news of the outrage on Mr. Sumner was borne with lightning speed to every sectf Mr. Brooks without condition or limitation. Sumner, in particular, ought to have nine and thirty Washington, these brutal words were inscribed, Sumner and Kansas: let them bleed! On the day subs, 1857. Dr. Boyle, who dressed the wounds of Mr. Sumner in the lobby of the Senate-chamber, attended the duel was prevented. The damage done to Mr. Sumner's system was most serious and alarming; and,ave revived my early faith in human nature. Mr. Sumner also, on the 13th, wrote a letter to Carlos [2 more...]
s of the Union arms. death of Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Sumner's Eulogy. letter to Mr. Garfield. Who i along the sky. Tobias Smollett. Although Mr. Sumner had labored with untiring assiduity for the Mr. Hendricks of Indiana said, in respect to Mr. Sumner's persistency in following up his amendmentsooper Institute, New York, Sept. 10, 1863, Mr, Sumner, in a calm, dispassionate, and exhaustive speeath of slavery. The following tribute to Mr. Sumner for this great effort appeared in The nationars to great advantage. The Latin verse, as Mr. Sumner clearly shows, was prepared by the celebrated in this article, it might be supposed that Mr. Sumner had spent his life as a bibliophile, amusing! On the opening of Congress in December, Mr. Sumner was in his seat, and again ready for action their civil rights and privileges; and, for Mr. Sumner's efforts in carrying it through Congress, t serious. But Mr. Lincoln knew the worth of Mr. Sumner; and, besides, vindictive feelings had no pl[21 more...]
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Chevalier Howe. (search)
iend of Sumner, and the second attempt made by Sumner himself was defeated by Hamilton Fish. Doctor was to be all blue sky and smooth sailing. Sumner expressed a kind of regret at Doctor Howe's mar the procedure of the public business. George Sumner also came; like his brother, a man much abm; he helped materially toward the election of Sumner in 1851, and for years afterwards was a leaderof international law or comity, was vexed with Sumner for not promoting the intervention of the Unitwe was a revolutionary character,--and so were Sumner and Lincoln,--but he was a man in all matters e and salutary. It was the essential merit of Sumner and his friends that they recognized the true y epochs of history. That Doctor Howe and Senator Sumner differed in regard to the Cuban rebellion private office. It was the first place that Sumner went to in the morning and the last place thatg public attention. Chevalier Howe outlived Sumner just one year, and Wilson followed him not lon[5 more...]
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, The War Governor. (search)
unication with Charles Francis Adams, Frank W. Bird, and other leading independents, and played a part in the election of Sumner as well as at various nominating conventions; but he apparently neither sought office nor was sought for it. It may have tawatomie massacre, whether John Brown was connected with it or not, was not so bad in its moral effect as the assault on Sumner. It was what they might expect from attempting to tyrannize over frontier farmers. It is not to be supposed that such mmore populous portion of the State, which Frank W. Bird and Henry L. Pierce took advantage of to bring his name forward. Sumner and Wilson threw their weight into the scales, and Andrew was easily nominated; but he owed this to Frank W. Bird more th chartered steamships to convey regiments to Washington, in case there should be a general uprising in Maryland. Both Sumner and Wilson opposed the appointment of General Butler to the command of the Massachusetts Volunteers, and preferred Caleb
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
urviving brothers, Charles and George, and his sister Julia. The Sumners surrendered voluntarily, and without the assertion of an adverse claim, to the heirs of Albert's wife all her property; and the Barclays certified in a formal letter to George Sumner, the administrator of Albert, that the Barclays had no legal claim to the property, and this fact was known both to yourself and to the other heirs-at-law. Such conduct merits the esteem and approbation of every honorable man. Henry was b to themselves. Some of his friends and relatives, and particularly his brother Charles, regretted that he tarried so long in Europe, and desired him rather to concentrate his mind on some definite literary work or occupation. A sketch of George Sumner may be found in Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature. Jane was born, April 28, 1820, and died, Oct. 7, 1837. She did not recover from a typhoid fever, which seized her two years before her death, and afterwards was afflicted with
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 20: Italy.—May to September, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
ess. Professor Greene, now living on an ancestral farm at East Greenwich, R. I., became also an intimate friend of George Sumner. His writings have related not only to Italian literature, but also to American history and biography of the period sts of the monks. His friend recalls that one evening, while they were gazing on the moonlit waters of the Alban Lake, Sumner suddenly exclaimed, as the thought of his deserted law-office came to his mind: Let me see if I can draw a writ! Here, aile the two friends were walking one day in the woods near the convent, and were for a moment separated, it happened that Sumner fell into a wolf-trap; Greene answered at once his call for help, and soon extricated him from his imprisonment. In his argument of Dec. 4, 1849, against the constitutionality of separate colored schools in Massachusetts, Sumner thus referred to this last visit:— In Italy, at the Convent of Palazzuola, on the shores of the Alban Lake, amidst a scene of natura
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 25: service for Crawford.—The Somers Mutiny.—The nation's duty as to slavery.—1843.—Age, 32. (search)
ican art has created. Crawford wrote to George Sumner, in 1844:— I am looking forward, my the earnest pressure of his hand on mine. Sumner followed Crawford to the end with unfailing in The Mutiny of the Somers was the subject of Sumner's only contribution to the North American Revi seldom one who has left a fuller record, than Sumner. He was, in every way, a representative man oe navy—and Theodore Sedgwick sought the aid of Sumner's pen in giving a direction to public opinion Vol. LVII. p. 512,—to the insertion of which Sumner is said to have consented. of the charges and tongues at home, to shake his solid mind. Sumner's argument on the Somers mutiny shows that he ancroft, while differing in some respects from Sumner's conclusions, wrote:— Your argument is As soon as he ascertained its author, he wrote Sumner a letter of thanks, in which he communicated tt and other officers. Soon after, he welcomed Sumner as a guest at his home at Tarrytown, on the H
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 28: the city Oration,—the true grandeur of nations.—an argument against war.—July 4, 1845.—Age 34. (search)
urs on the subject. Those sacred words, in Washington's Farewell Address to his fellow-citizens, must have inspired you on the occasion. Whom, indeed, would they not have inspired? Again and again must I thank you! George Sand wrote to George Sumner, of his brother's oration: His ideal of Christian peace over the whole face of the earth is, without doubt, a great truth; but I do not think it applicable to one nation in particular,—even to the United States. While all other nations ad tyrannical nations, which belong to the fraternity of robbers and assassins. Count Circourt also wrote, of the oration: I agree with that remarkable performance on many points; and I still sympathize with that which I cannot fully admit. Sumner's letters in support or explanation of his oration are here given, although a portion of them were written some months later. To Rev. Robert C. Waterston. Tuesday [July], 1845. my dear Waterston,—Thanks for your most cordial letter of
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