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clique to Gen. McClellan and his well-considered plans was at the bottom of this movement, and that these Abolition radicals have been playing their cards with our armies in Virginia so as to bring about some great disaster, under the pressure of which the administration and the army might be dragged headlong into an exterminating crusade against Southern slavery. This is our solution of this unfortunate repulse of General Banks. We trace it to the enmity of Senators Wilson, Trumbull, Sumner and others of that clique in the Senate, and to Thaddeus Stevens, Lovejoy and their abolition brethren of the House; and to their successful tricks and intrigues to break up the army and the plans of Gen. McClellan, to stop recruiting for the army, when fifty thousand more men were needed to secure our conquests in Virginia, and a hundred thousand more to push the rebels speedily out of the State. Let the responsibility then rest where it belongs. We cannot consent that either the Presiden
Proceedings of the Federal Congress on the "Nigger" question.the Confiscation bill. Passed.Senate. Washington, May 26, 1862. Mr. Henderson, (Union,) of Mo., presented a memorial from the citizens of Southwest Missouri, asking protection from guerrilla bands. Mr. Wilson, of Maria, from the Military Committee, reported back the the acceptance of 200,000 more troops. Mr. Sumner, (rep.,) of that the Secretary of War be requested to communicate to the Senate copies of any instructions to Generals, in of the of August, 12th, the slaves employed against the United States by their masters also, to inform the Senate whether any stops have been taken to make that slain to effective, Said over. Also a resolution, that in the prosecution of the present war for the suppression of the present wicked rebellion, the time has come for the Government of the United States to appeal to the loyalty of the whole people everywhere, especially to the rebel and class, to make
nge as it may seem, "slaves" as well as cotton, for, although they are robbing us of our servants as fast as they can, they are unwilling to permit what are left to escape taxation! The religious obligation they always feel to raise revenue — to supply the fisc, private and public — will not allow them to pass over anything, and that higher religious obligation they to themselves compels them to make the public burthens light on themselves and as heavy as possible on other people. So, even Sumner proposes the amendment on this point, which is worded most singularly, and which he declares taxes the "state-master," not the " slave" So ingenious is the Yankee in contriving his schemes of robbery and accommodating his pliant conscience to his selfish or revengeful purposes'. This bill is a plain avowal of the design of the Yankee Government, in the event it gets the power over the South. It is, indeed, only a foretaste of what that Government will do by yet more sweeping and summar
An opportunity to do good. --We take pleasure in calling attention to the following. It presents a wide and most inviting field of usefulness: Richmond, Va., June 2, 1862. Please state that I have now a good assortment of tracts, and desire the co-operation of all who can aid in distributing them among the sick and wounded. We have several thousand copies of the following new publications: "Shiloh" by Rev. J. L. Burrows, D. D; "What Can I Do?" by Rev. T. V. Moore, D D; "Sunshine" by Rev. P. H. Price; "Don't Swear" by Rev. J. B. Joter, D. D., and "Camp Hymns" At George J. Sumner's store, of Pears street, between Main and Franklin. The above and many other excellent publications can be obtained, without money and without price. A. E. Dickinson.